Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Baby Alive Replacement Bottles


Italian banks are the most expensive in Europe and their customers are held hostage by institutions which are not well aware of the costs, because they were hidden, but that does not change because they are not able to consider other offers . And even council employees can be trusted, because they are driven by the bonuses that are paid. And 'the EU Commission that points the finger at the high cost of bank account EU, Italy at the head, and announced a crackdown on transparency. But Abi rejects the assessments of Brussels, disputing the figures. To shed light on the costs of accounts and banking transactions in Europe is a report of the EU Commission services dealing with the protection of consumers, led by Commissioner Meglena Kuneva today accusation: "The hidden prices are unacceptable, especially for a product the use of which is second only to that of electricity. " And the quotes Kuneva Italy, a "bad example", the country where you keep a current account more expensive than in the rest of Europe: "Around 831 euro per year and account for an average number of transactions, the price higher, while the lowest are 28 euro in Bulgaria, "he says. "All the items of expense account are higher than the EU average and make Italy the country where you keep money in the bank is more expensive, "said the report in Brussels. According to the study, on average, an Italian count basic costs € 253, compared to 178 in Spain , 154 France, 103 in Britain, 89 in Germany and 28 in Bulgaria, the cheapest in Europe. But despite the high costs, bank customers do not change Italian institution. For fear of hidden costs: only 10% has moved the account over the past two years, "because the consumer does not understand what is charged when a new account and have, for lack of transparency, can not compare the offers and stay with what he has," explains the technical Brussels. And if you ask council clerk of confidence, the report says, there is a risk that the suggestion is concerned because the compensation systems for employees of banks led them to not sell the products most suitable for the client, but those who earn more institutions. "Consumers trust their bank employee as your doctor, but should not," said Kuneva. But Italian banks are contesting the Commission's figures: "The price of the current account in Italy is about 100 €, much lower than that released today in Brussels," said the president of ABI, Corrado Faissola. According to ABI, based on comparable data "in the web engine Comparing current accounts (one of the largest databases in Europe which Over 750 different bank accounts with their respective synthetic indicators of cost) the cost of the Italian bank account is, on average, of 107 €, a figure consistent with that calculated by the Bank of Italy. "
Source (Ansa)


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