Sunday, March 13, 2011

'watch Sean Cody Free'


S ono open registrations for the Annual Meetings of

Lacanian School of Psychoanalysis

Registration fee: € 100.00
03/30/2011 by
€ 50.00 by 03/30/2011 for students (up to 26 years)
For students of Freud's participation is compulsory and free.

- after 30/03/2011

€ 130.00 € 70.00 for students (up to 26 years)

ECM: E 'in the course request CME credits for physicians and psychologists. The cost is € 20.00.

How to apply: Bank transfer to following account:
Lacanian School of Psychoanalysis, Deutsche Bank - H 468 Ag of Milan,
IBAN code: IT76M0310401608000000821332.
Important: specify the reason for the name and surname of those who subscribe to the Conference.
After payment of the transfer please fill out the registration form found in Annex and please send to:

Motions for Intervention
The proposals for action in the halls are to be sent simultaneously to m.bolgiani @ by 10. 3. 2011.
The texts, which should not exceed 10,000 characters, should be sent by 15. 4 2011 @ m.bolgiani always and will inhere under the three thematic axes:
- Eclipse and variants of desire
- Transformations of the application
- inertia and changes in satisfaction

Other activities at the conference
The organizing committee, consisting of Charles Monteleone, Laura Freni and Giovanni Lo Castro proposed a number of cultural events of great artistic value and unparalleled beauty.

- Friday, June 10. Aci Trezza and Aci Castello, to visit the Norman castle and the Faraglioni (the "stones" hurled by Polyphemus against Ulysses). 2 km away from Catania, traveled by bus to city
- Saturday, June 11 during the lunch break, visit to the old kitchens of the monastery of the Benedictines (reservations required)

- Sunday, June 12 (after I agree ) Trip to Syracuse, where the evening at the Greek Theatre, inside the loop of classical performances, will be represented at the tragedy of Sophocles' Philoctetes. (Info In Syracuse you can also dine island of Ortigia.
- an alternative to the vision of the Tragedy in Syracuse, also on Sunday afternoon excursion to Mount Etna (House Cantoniera 2000 m, with possible extension up to 2700 m, cable car or jeep) The hike is of particular interest as is expected, not guaranteed, eruptive activity. It will be possible to dine in a restaurant on site, or return to Catania, to enjoy the beautiful "movida" in the center.
- How they wish they may opt for a hike in the beautiful Taormina, reachable by bus or train, or, alternatively, with half organized. (Owing to the number of participants). Again, you can dine on site.
- For information and reservations to the proposed events to write to John Lo Castro.
Isabella ladle
Secretary SLP

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Cartoon Maxine Clipart


Prey contractions my fantasy I play these jokes.

Detail of the wing .. a little 'bat, a little' butterfly .. A little 'lace ..

The now inevitable black rose in her hair

Sims 2 Vacuum Cleaner


Ticket - Samy bookmark dedicated to my friend (still to be delivered!)

Ticket - mega bookmark (it's pretty big!)

Ticket doodle!

Greeting card for my birthday David

Alabama Vapor Gloves Nike

Squirting unspecified ...!

Imagination ...

A girl named Giorgia

Sometimes I start drawing, but something inside me says .. "Go beyond .." and so they remain incomplete, forgotten ..


Patch For Goty Morrowind

Frangetta lace

Scribble then transformed into a sketch of proof in an attempt (impegnativo!) to evoke the texture of lace, with fine nib and black ink.

Detail of the fringe of lace: over an hour of painstaking work .. But, technically, it is worth it for me!

What Prices Are Bags At Mulberry York

Fairy on swing

First attempt to draw a fairy. I imagined a creature like a very natural (in the photo I have deliberately omitted the detail of her nakedness still ..), with the wings of the leaf, which swings on a swing singing enchanted that we can see in the woods while not realizing that that it is.

Women Who Wear Nylon Stockings And Love It


think think think ... At the end always jump out of the drawings, some removed, someone else forgotten in the depths of the mind o.. of drawers: those that follow, are some of the recent archaeological discoveries of my Passion!

This was a test with charcoal, when I had no 'idea how you would use!

This I did in the doctor's waiting room ... Never leave home the sketchbook and the kangaroo pouch!!

This design dates back to at least seven years ago was the time of the spitting image of the designs of others, in particular, this is the monkey of the NICI WILD series. Copying is a good exercise to improve, but then you need to go further. I hope I did over the years!!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

2 Days Before Menstruation

Dear readers, dear visitors,
are many who have had a look at my blog but only a few of you have commented on the drawings or otherwise, even because it is often difficult to do, so for anyone who has placed the question, let me say that what I do, DRAWING, for me it's a pure passion. With this I want you to know that if any design you like, or you like as a drawing and would like something custom, you have only to ask! I have not set prices for any work for me because no value: your contribution certainly does soooooo free pleasure, but it is not the purpose of my "work". Even just to know that my drawing will be hung in your home, in your room, wherever you want to see .. It gives me great satisfaction. I am attaching the "pack" my personal newsletter, no amount: up to you the price!
There are professional illustrators who devote their lives to the design as a profession (they also support significant costs to update, advertise, for the material, publishers etc. ...), for me, I repeat: it is "only" a fantastic and relaxing Passion! A warm
Hugs to all!