Thursday, July 15, 2010

Bionicle Vezon & Kardas For Sale


Energy from burning mirrors. First in the world that works at night. Meets 4 thousand families
Priolo (Siracusa) - Birth of the "farm the sun." Priolo A basin of Augusta, Melissa symbol of the industrial triangle of Syracuse and Europe's largest petrochemical complex, which sees the largest concentration of refineries, the game is to rescue the energy of the future: clean and renewable. Thursday, July 15 was opened a solar power plant in Priolo Gargallo thermodynamics 'Archimedes', before the world to use molten salt technology integrated with a combined cycle plant.

INCENTIVES FOR RENEWABLE ENERGY - A very important day, which also coincides with the announcement that the government has restored to maneuver the system of incentives for renewables, given by Environment Minister Stefania Prestigiacomo. Ten years after the intuition of Carlo Rubbia and then developed by researchers of 'Aeneas and subsequently industrialized Enel, it takes the body a project that was born in the wake of the energy crisis of the '80s led to the construction of several solar power plants, still function in the California desert, whose operation is characterized by the use of parabolic trough mirrors to concentrate and reflect sunlight onto pipes flowing with mineral oil (the oil is heated and channeled into a boiler where the water is transformed into high-pressure steam and drives turbines to produce electricity).

THE FARM OF THE SUN - But the new Central Priolo, "the farm of the sun", to quote the CEO Fulvio Conti of Enel, is unprecedented in the world, since it involves the use of molten salts (derived from fertilizer) as a heat transfer fluid and is also the first in the world to integrate a combined-cycle gas and solar thermal power plant for the production of electricity. Not only that. Archimedes' (whose name is also a tribute to the great physicist and mathematician who over 2,200 years ago with his "burning mirrors" the Roman ships on fire and saved from the siege enemy Syracuse) has a feature that makes it unique: it is able to collect and preserve for many hours, 5 km along its and through special tubes that run through 30 thousand square meters of parabolic trough mirrors, the heat of the sun to generate electricity at night or under overcast skies.

"The capacity of the plant, costing around 60 million, is 5 megawatts, with an operation of around 3 thousand hours per year. A level to meet the needs of 4 thousand families, "said Conti. However, acknowledges that "a higher cost per kilowatt-hour at least five or six times the energy produced by conventional fossil fuels." "In this case, however, a saving of 2,100 tonnes of oil per year and reducing carbon dioxide emissions for about 3250 tons. In short, as Conti says: "One more step to achieving a dream: to have abundant energy at low cost and above all sustainable."



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