Thursday, November 12, 2009

Difference In Rolling Tobacco And Pipe Tobacco

"ncoppa 'to study flight."

EasyJet think of ads in the local dialect in flights in Italy.
Signuri''Ladies and welcome to all of them 'ncopp'a' study route 'and easyJet.'' But even''and sciuri sciuri, a bord de chel benvegn easyJet vulnerable people.'' Could become so ', that is in dialect, ads board its flights in Italy the low cost airline English. That, riding the controversy on the introduction of dialects in schools and government, is considering introducing the dialects of the city of departure and destination in the ad board.
EasyJet made it known in a statement that, as a''third carrier by market share in passenger transport in Italy'',''is taking seriously the possibility 'of' clear 'and exploiting the main regional languages \u200b\u200bby placing them on domestic routes during the safety instructions that are provided before departure. Cosi ', for example, the link between Milan Malpensa and Naples Capodichino Italian and English could be eventually joined by Lumbard and nnapulitano.''
''Our interest in the use of dialects on board comes from the desire 'to be more and more' close to everyday life 'of our passengers and give them a tangible sign that we feel Italy as our second home' 'says Thomas Meister, easyJet Marketing Manager for Italy. Also''- he continues - it seems nice to rediscover our passengers the thrill of being at home already 'from the moment they board an easyJet plane.'' In the statement, the company also wrote the English text in Italian and would like a flight-Capodichino Malpensa in Milan and Naples.
Source (Ansa)


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