Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Laminate Flooring Ratings

Captain aimed celebrate 20 years of success.

It 's time for celebration and retrospective Elio e le Storie Tese that, far from feeling old, but instead themselves "stickers and dandies," celebrated the 20 years since the first record proposing their most successful orchestral arrangements. To anticipate the release of 'Kittens', the title of the collection will be in stores from October 30, the 'ELII' have opened the celebrations last night at the Teatro degli Arcimboldi in Milan, in concert with the Philharmonic Toscanini, who was also broadcast live by Sky, "a big party, with a large orchestra in a big theater, "said Elio morning news conference. The evening brought the faithful and enthusiastic fans in a chronological journey in their most famous songs, from the ones dated 1989, engraved nell'impronunciabile 'SAMAG Hukapan Kariyana Turu Elio'.
The same historical path the two decades long career can be found in 'Kitten', whose title and its cover with kittens were chosen to capture the 95% of people who do not listen to us, but they move you to view an image so tender "has revealed the band with the usual irony. The collection includes pieces that are most appropriate for an orchestral version, as 'John Holmes', 'The Calf of balsa wood' rather than 'Being a woman', 'Land of khaki' or 'Shpalman'. Li supports a novel, 'The Story of a fop', performed live last night for the first time, that portrays the "man of the year zero The star of the night that seems cool at any cost, even if inside then destroyed, "said Faso, the bass player.
After the release of 'Kittens', the 'ELII' will be on tour in theaters from 17 January with a concert preview at Vicenza. They want then a return to Sanremo, not as competitors but as a conductor, since, ensure "we are at the couple Clerici-raw", and draw conclusions about love Italian music: "There are more young bands such as exceptional happened in the 80-90 - Notes Helium - 'cause now the goal is to join' Friends' or 'X Factor'. Distanced himself from the talent show "from which nothing comes out of explosives," Elio denies being approached to do the court instead of Simona Ventura, but adds: "If I had been asked, maybe I accepted because I think a great referee. "
Source (Ansa)


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