were discovered two new 'superanticorpi' with a high ability to neutralize the HIV virus. The result, published in Science Express, is due to an American research group coordinated by Laura Walker Department of Immunology of the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI) and the Scripps Research Institute. The antibodies are called PG9 and PG16, and according to the researchers, may help to reveal the Achilles heel of the virus by opening the door to the development of effective vaccines against AIDS. Identified in blood from a donor infected with African HIV, the super-antibodies affecting a region of a glycoprotein highly evolved to counteract the immune attack that the virus uses to infect cells. It 's like, the researchers said, PG9 and PG16 were a kind of key opens a lock hidden virus recognizing an item on this protein never described before. This is the first discovery of antibodies with high capacity neutralizing (bNAbs) of HIV in the last 20 years and the first bNAbs to be isolated from donors living in developing countries where there is the most HIV infections. According to the authors of the study the new super antibodies promise the highest performer for the design of a vaccine against AIDS than previous antibodies bNAbs known "because - said Dennis Burton, an immunologist and scientific director of the IAVI - attack a new and potentially more accessible area of the HIV virus that facilitates the design of the vaccine. " The next step, the researchers announced, will be to analyze the molecular structures of PG9 and PG16, and the virus immunogenic target to achieve, the active ingredients of vaccines, specifically against AIDS.
Source (Ansa)
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