prescribed or convicted but still revered. The three "Italian senators' are three parallel stories, what he says today in broad terms. Three stories that courts have made the news, scandal and, in a certain profile, even age. Three stories from the world of ill-digested information, especially that on television, but utterly unpalatable to the political world, seen by many as an entity separate from the company, and self-stellar distance. Tell the stories of three Italian senators.
Three senators who share the same fate, by the same judicial vicissitudes, from the same spot. With a single black wire and disturbing: the Mafia and Sicily. Because those three Italian senators, three stories, is told from the beginning, children of criminogenic same way of understanding politics. How to summarize? That way, we might say, that is to sell its soul to the devil just to get votes and consensus and power customers. And to practice a policy of such alloy, the Mafia and Sicily (when they become, in a deadly, complementary to each other, does not happen often) are the ideal habitat, it has been proven since the time of the Unification of Italy . The three senators
Italian, respond to the names of Giulio Andreotti, Totò Cuffaro, Marcello Dell'Utri. Not us, driven by fury executioner, a bundled into a single beam. They are the ones with the conduct required to compose a "species" Parliamentary sui generis: that of the senators that, once convicted, they used the Senate as the turtles use the armor, to hide his head. It is said that if a principle is violated for the first time, we are already laid the foundations for it to be broken forever. But there were few, fifteen years ago, to realize that the paradox of Giulio Andreotti - seven times prime minister, minister repeatedly, among Italian politicians most popular and revered abroad - that he found himself charged for external with the Mafia, would have caused ripples in the coming years, a permanent tear, a point of no easy return. Andreotti was accused
to have moved into the land of Sicily, for correntizi and electioneering in a confident way, riding the gray area above which begins the territories of the People of the Mafia. They accused him almost forty sorry. Emerged, with unequivocal evidence and photographs, his relations with the cousins \u200b\u200bNino and Ignazio Salvo, originating in Salemi, Democrats, men of honor and heads of those tax collectors who, many years ago, were on the island, the ' Most industry turnover. He was accused of having met the mafia's most prominent leaders in the late 70's, in a desperate attempt to put a good word in favor of Piersanti Mattarella, Democrat and chairman of the Sicilian Region, which led the fight in a strict system of power of the clans.
And having met with them again, always in secret, to get an explanation why, despite his initial interest, as they had decided to assassinate Mattarella like a dog. And much, much more. It is not intended here, redo those processes. This is just to remember, at least in outline. At first instance, Andreotti was acquitted for "lack of evidence," while, on appeal, the offense, from 1980 onwards, it was "prescribed". The senator's defense team appealed to the Supreme Court asking for the full rehabilitation. The Supreme Court rejected the request. Confirmed the sentence of the second degree and formula of the "prescription", condemning the accused Giulio Andreotti to pay court costs. Meanwhile, the drama took place, high politics and much of the media put on the grill the prosecutor of Palermo, at the time led by Gian Carlo Caselli, for daring to bring to the bar, "the politician that the world envy. "
was a decade of poisons and meanness, of reversal of the facts and bludgeoned media against those who dared to point out that if the law is equal for all, must be equal for Giulio Andreotti. The fact is that the verdict of the Supreme Court was literally ignored by the mainstream press and great TV. The good news, after the second sentence degree, had already been around the world, "Andreotti acquitted." And there was no way to clip the wings of legend.
Then, it was the turn of Totò Cuffaro, the governor of Sicily: relationships with the mafia of the village of Brancaccio, the waltz of the so-called "moles" (policemen, police officials) reported that confidential information is to be a Cuffaro Provenzano, meetings by Michele Aiello, ras private health in Sicily, with whom he met Cuffaro amiably together to decide the price list of benefits promptly reimbursed by the State. And the Sicilian soaring health costs two to three times compared to other Italian regions (when you say the utility interceptions and Berlusconi's tale that all Italians are bugged). As Andreotti, proverbial for its bars, lounges and terraces sought in Romans (and we are not referring to the Parisian salons of the Enlightenment), in due proportion, even Totò Cuffaro was sympathetic to most. Everyone called him "Vasa Vasa", defiantly wore the "hat", with fresh ricotta cannoli offered to journalists who shared the pain.
At first instance, was sentenced to five years for aiding and simple, and on appeal to seven, but this time it led to Cosa Nostra. Even for him, Palazzo Madama, a lot of understanding, a lot of solidarity, many affectionate pats on the back. With the big names of his party who called him "a victim of political persecution." Finally, in order of time, the list of three senators to the Italian, Marcello Dell'Utri, co-founder of Forza Italy, today PDL. It is the story of those days. Convicted for collusion with the mafia, nine and seven years in prison. For the love of God, we know very well that Cuffaro and Dell'Utri on the Supreme Court has yet to have its say. But, more immediately, the catalog is what we have just described. The three are seated on chairs with red velvet. And they are serene in their place. Pull the strings of what remains of their currents. In large or small, are politics. The trio is well distributed among the high-sounding names senatorial committees. In their way, run the country. If necessary, go on television, making statements to the press. Work towards the blue car. In Italy, an opportunity is not denied to anyone. Or, to quote an adage that is lost in the mists of time, "Dog does not eat dog."
Source: The Unit