Friday, December 24, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Sick Pressure In Ears
P2 Licio Gelli AND PLAN OF REBIRTH: Things done, things to do
Females Inspecting Penises
Press freedom under blackmail in countries that are candidates to enlarge the European Union
Pressures policies, threats, lawsuits and blackmail. Journalists put their backs to the wall by semi authoritarian political regimes. And 'This is the picture taken on press freedom in countries from Brussels in the coming years to begin or the path to join the European Union. These are countries that Freedom House classifies as "partly free", just like the ' Italy, which in view of the 27 currently in the company of Romania and Bulgaria .
Pressures policies, threats, lawsuits and blackmail. Journalists put their backs to the wall by semi authoritarian political regimes. And 'This is the picture taken on press freedom in countries from Brussels in the coming years to begin or the path to join the European Union. These are countries that Freedom House classifies as "partly free", just like the ' Italy, which in view of the 27 currently in the company of Romania and Bulgaria .
But the recent report on enlargement was drafted by the European Commission deals with countries that are not yet part of the Union. And the picture that emerges is more gloomy than ever: there are serious problems in the independence and pluralism of information. These are Turkey, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Albania, Macedonia, Serbia, Kosovo and Montenegro. Speech in part for Iceland, but in northern Europe is another story.
difficult to say who is worse. Perhaps the Turkey, where the Commission report "a high number of violations of freedom of expression, civil cases against journalists and frequent closures Internet sites. " Suffice it to say that until last October Ankara had no access to Youtube after the ban ordered by the Government and even two years duration. The International Federation of Journalists reports that 40 journalists are currently detained in prison simply for doing their duty with honesty and professionalism. " And then the problem of anti-Semitism, never really disappeared from the Turkish media (remember that Turkey is overwhelmingly Muslim).
And then the Balkans, where they still feel the aftermath of ethnic and religious conflicts that triggered the war nineties. The Bosnia and Herzegovina is in serious delays in implementing the Freedom of Access to Information Act, which should promote access to public information kept secret for years by the authorities. And last year things got worse, as Freedom House reports that Bosnia was downgraded to 51 places in its ranking on press freedom (from 47 ° to 98 °). Countless cases of political interference: the South East Europe Organization reported that the television channel Alternativna Televizija has received written instructions from Socijaldemokratska Partija BiH (Bosnian Social Democratic Party) information to be given during the last month before the election campaign in October.
problems even in the small Kosovo, despite that independence recognized by February 2008, still sees the RTK, the main public broadcaster, in the hands of the Deputy Prime Minister. Also in Kosovo, according to the report of the Commission, the political authorities remain dangerously major advertisers of the national media.
in Brussels is also "a worrying lack of clarity in the ownership of media in Albania and Macedonia . Intimidation of journalists and discrimination of Roma children are too often on the agenda.
In Serbia, meanwhile, fired. After the attempted murder of Dejan Anastasijevic, the reporter who had dealt with the war crimes of Slobodan Milosevic, the violence against journalists have followed one another with alarming regularity, and have rarely responded to a serious inquiry and on time.
The Freedom House, in its press freedom ranking 2009, had cataloged all of these countries as "partly free". But if this classification does not weigh on the presence of Europe in countries such as Italy, the lack of full freedom of information may rather undermine the whole process of EU membership for anyone who is peeking into the idea of \u200b\u200bjoining the euro group, "Freedom of expression and media, an integral part of any democratic system, there is a note painful and disturbing in the Accession Countries, "said Štefan Füle , EU Commissioner for Enlargement.
Turkey, Croatia, Macedonia and Iceland are officially "candidate countries", while Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Albania, Kosovo and Montenegro are "potential candidates". To complete the accession negotiations, candidate countries must meet all 35 "chapters" imposed by the EU: These are minimum requirements in terms of civil liberties, democracy, human rights and fundamental freedoms.
From ilfattoquotidiano
From ilfattoquotidiano
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Hemorrhoids And The Marines
Five Martyrs Calabresi Gerace
The struggle for the affirmation of the principles of freedom of 'equality and tolerance has been a long painful and dramatic, and for that of the Martyrs of Gerace in Calabria was a very important stage.
Their names:
Michele Bella born in Siderno on 5/12/1822,
Pietro Mazzoni was born in Roccella on 02/21/1819, Gaetano
RUFFO born in Ardmore on 15/11/1822,
SALVADORI Domenico was born in White on 24/12 / 1822, Verdugo was born in
Rocco Carafe White 1 / 8 / 1824.
Their age did not exceed 28 years when they were shot by order of the Bourbon government October 2, 1847 and their bodies were thrown into a mass grave known as the "wolf". They belonged to wealthy families and were sent to Naples to attend university studies are necessary to its bright future, which seemed directed towards. In Naples feed of new liberal and patriotic ideas that now circulated in Europe between the layers of the enlightened bourgeoisie, and their liveliness were repatriated by the local gendarmerie. In addition, Michael Bello, Gaetano Ruffo and Pietro Mazzoni were Masons (the first two started in the Loggia "Lausanne" in Naples and the Mazzoni in the 'liberal humanists "of Catanzaro) carriers and witnesses of an ethic that requires to be tolerant and respectful of all human beings and their dignity. (The Martyrs were the instigators of all lodges in the fate Locride). In Calabria the young people they worked out a plan of insurrection, together with G. Domenico Romeo of Reggio Calabria and approved by the Committee of Naples, which involved the simultaneous uprising of Messina, not because failure occurred in the bud Reggio Calabria, smothered in blood with the beheading of Romeo, and the District of Gerace, then to spread throughout the Kingdom. The Five were active within the district and occupied white Ardore, Siderno Gioiosa Ionica and the cry of Pope Pius IX W, W Italy, W of the Constitution, slaughter the royal coat of arms, abolished the tax on flour, captured the Superintendent of Gerace, Anthony Bonafede from Palermo, who had distinguished himself for the hatred and cruelty shown in the capture and conviction of the United Brethren, in the quality of sottointendente Crotone enough to force the authorities to transfer him in the seat of Gerace, the Bonafede, forced to follow the insurgents, was not done no violence, and others. Had news of the failure of the revolt of Reggio Calabria and Messina, fearing a Bourbon troops landed, the rioters dispersed. The leaders, left alone, they were forced to find safety in flight. Betrayed by Nicola Ciccarelli Caulonia of the night between 9 and September 10, were arrested Michael Bello, Rocco Verduci, Domenico and Stefano Salvadori Twins, who were taken to jail to Gerace.
Mazzone and Ruffo, who had separated from his companions and headed for Catanzaro, initially momemto avoid capture, then returned to Locride were arrested Sept. 21 near Ruffo Siderno Mazzone and the next day near Roccella Ionica. Failed revolutionary movement with the arrest of the leaders of revolt was the moment of reckoning. The emergence of new Bonafede all its ferocity, the Commission urged the military jury to conclude its work immediately, acted as "witness with relentless cynicism and blatant cowardice of mind in front of those young people who so generously, had saved the life, which he now so badly used spewing accusations against them. " It is activated because the execution was not done quickly to give time to the general Nunziante sent by the king to stop the uprising to apply for and obtain the sovereign grace, he pursued after the execution even family members and friends of the movement with brutal determination, so as to cause a new transfer. Insurgents were condemned "for having stained with treason and for committing acts coming implementation of these crimes" and were shot on October 2, 1847 Plain Gerace. In fact they were "guilty" of having asked the Constitution and recognition of human dignity, trampled by an absolute and despotic power, despite the fact that the French Revolution, from the American advance, he said the inviolable rights of man and citizen .
Their tortured bodies were thrown into a common grave that "the wolf". Were sentenced to be shot even Gemelli Stefano Bianco and John Rossetti of Reggio Calabria, both aged 47, but the death penalty was commuted to 30 years in prison because not considered leaders. The bishop of Gerace Mgr. Luigi Maria Perrone few days later, during a church service held in the magnificent Norman cathedral, rejoiced for the shooting of five, taking a sermon on "Our conversation Moestitia east gaudium! The implementation of the Five Martyrs filled with indignation and horror Italy and the world. In many cities protested and celebrated solemn esequie.Numerose were persons who, in various Italian regions, in honor of their memory, took his hat to the Calabrian. At Rocca di Neto, some citizens had organized the abduction of Ferdinand II, but were betrayed and arrested. The king, among other things called "ignorant and stubborn, alien from good studies, he looked across men of letters and science, and mocked them with the name of Scribblerus "after four months of the shooting was forced to grant the Constitution, which shortly thereafter denied. The insurgency led by the Five did not have a big following because Ordinary people do not know the meaning of freedom-accustomed to centuries of absolute monarchy, nor the freedom of the press, for a mostly illiterate population. There was sufficient evidence to link the cultural aspirations of the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. The revolutionary action was not ripe, the people were not educated enough to withstand the weight of freedom because he did not know the words. The motion, which in any way contribute to open the minds of Calabria, also failed to follow military unpreparedness and the lack of a leader who could direct and coordinate the complex operation. On the site of the shooting stands a monument unveiled June 7, 1931, on which stands a bronze panel depicting the execution of the Heroes, by the sculptor Francesco Jerace.
were shot at October 2, 1847 BY MICHAEL BELLO
Verdugo JUG
YEAR 1931
The struggle for the affirmation of the principles of freedom of 'equality and tolerance has been a long painful and dramatic, and for that of the Martyrs of Gerace in Calabria was a very important stage.
Their names:
Michele Bella born in Siderno on 5/12/1822,
Pietro Mazzoni was born in Roccella on 02/21/1819, Gaetano
RUFFO born in Ardmore on 15/11/1822,
SALVADORI Domenico was born in White on 24/12 / 1822, Verdugo was born in
Rocco Carafe White 1 / 8 / 1824.
Their age did not exceed 28 years when they were shot by order of the Bourbon government October 2, 1847 and their bodies were thrown into a mass grave known as the "wolf". They belonged to wealthy families and were sent to Naples to attend university studies are necessary to its bright future, which seemed directed towards. In Naples feed of new liberal and patriotic ideas that now circulated in Europe between the layers of the enlightened bourgeoisie, and their liveliness were repatriated by the local gendarmerie. In addition, Michael Bello, Gaetano Ruffo and Pietro Mazzoni were Masons (the first two started in the Loggia "Lausanne" in Naples and the Mazzoni in the 'liberal humanists "of Catanzaro) carriers and witnesses of an ethic that requires to be tolerant and respectful of all human beings and their dignity. (The Martyrs were the instigators of all lodges in the fate Locride). In Calabria the young people they worked out a plan of insurrection, together with G. Domenico Romeo of Reggio Calabria and approved by the Committee of Naples, which involved the simultaneous uprising of Messina, not because failure occurred in the bud Reggio Calabria, smothered in blood with the beheading of Romeo, and the District of Gerace, then to spread throughout the Kingdom. The Five were active within the district and occupied white Ardore, Siderno Gioiosa Ionica and the cry of Pope Pius IX W, W Italy, W of the Constitution, slaughter the royal coat of arms, abolished the tax on flour, captured the Superintendent of Gerace, Anthony Bonafede from Palermo, who had distinguished himself for the hatred and cruelty shown in the capture and conviction of the United Brethren, in the quality of sottointendente Crotone enough to force the authorities to transfer him in the seat of Gerace, the Bonafede, forced to follow the insurgents, was not done no violence, and others. Had news of the failure of the revolt of Reggio Calabria and Messina, fearing a Bourbon troops landed, the rioters dispersed. The leaders, left alone, they were forced to find safety in flight. Betrayed by Nicola Ciccarelli Caulonia of the night between 9 and September 10, were arrested Michael Bello, Rocco Verduci, Domenico and Stefano Salvadori Twins, who were taken to jail to Gerace.
Mazzone and Ruffo, who had separated from his companions and headed for Catanzaro, initially momemto avoid capture, then returned to Locride were arrested Sept. 21 near Ruffo Siderno Mazzone and the next day near Roccella Ionica. Failed revolutionary movement with the arrest of the leaders of revolt was the moment of reckoning. The emergence of new Bonafede all its ferocity, the Commission urged the military jury to conclude its work immediately, acted as "witness with relentless cynicism and blatant cowardice of mind in front of those young people who so generously, had saved the life, which he now so badly used spewing accusations against them. " It is activated because the execution was not done quickly to give time to the general Nunziante sent by the king to stop the uprising to apply for and obtain the sovereign grace, he pursued after the execution even family members and friends of the movement with brutal determination, so as to cause a new transfer. Insurgents were condemned "for having stained with treason and for committing acts coming implementation of these crimes" and were shot on October 2, 1847 Plain Gerace. In fact they were "guilty" of having asked the Constitution and recognition of human dignity, trampled by an absolute and despotic power, despite the fact that the French Revolution, from the American advance, he said the inviolable rights of man and citizen .
Their tortured bodies were thrown into a common grave that "the wolf". Were sentenced to be shot even Gemelli Stefano Bianco and John Rossetti of Reggio Calabria, both aged 47, but the death penalty was commuted to 30 years in prison because not considered leaders. The bishop of Gerace Mgr. Luigi Maria Perrone few days later, during a church service held in the magnificent Norman cathedral, rejoiced for the shooting of five, taking a sermon on "Our conversation Moestitia east gaudium! The implementation of the Five Martyrs filled with indignation and horror Italy and the world. In many cities protested and celebrated solemn esequie.Numerose were persons who, in various Italian regions, in honor of their memory, took his hat to the Calabrian. At Rocca di Neto, some citizens had organized the abduction of Ferdinand II, but were betrayed and arrested. The king, among other things called "ignorant and stubborn, alien from good studies, he looked across men of letters and science, and mocked them with the name of Scribblerus "after four months of the shooting was forced to grant the Constitution, which shortly thereafter denied. The insurgency led by the Five did not have a big following because Ordinary people do not know the meaning of freedom-accustomed to centuries of absolute monarchy, nor the freedom of the press, for a mostly illiterate population. There was sufficient evidence to link the cultural aspirations of the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. The revolutionary action was not ripe, the people were not educated enough to withstand the weight of freedom because he did not know the words. The motion, which in any way contribute to open the minds of Calabria, also failed to follow military unpreparedness and the lack of a leader who could direct and coordinate the complex operation. On the site of the shooting stands a monument unveiled June 7, 1931, on which stands a bronze panel depicting the execution of the Heroes, by the sculptor Francesco Jerace.
were shot at October 2, 1847 BY MICHAEL BELLO
Verdugo JUG
YEAR 1931
Friday, November 5, 2010
Sony Vegas 7.0 Number
A good father, a bad baseball bat and the end
The following is the letter of Bepi Covre, former Member of the Northern League, a businessman, mayor of Oderzo, Councilor of Treviso, which was published by the Mattino di Padova a couple of days ago. E 'addressed to our Supreme Knight. E 'dry, direct, effective. It's worth it not go unnoticed.
President Berlusconi,
I have a daughter aged 17, last of two older brothers. Angela is a normal girl, who is studying, in sports, goes to parties who arranges with his classmates and peers. If only you knew who attends and goes to parties where there are "old men" maybe wealthy, fragrant and extravagant ... Characters that may have the years of his parents, if not for her grandparents! Mr President, I would feel a parent failed! Not giving up to take some urgent measures that I will now explain. First, two solemn slaps the girl child. As required by the old manual, consolidated tradition of sound pedagogical farm. In the days that followed, anger and frustration subsided, I would try to restore a proper and useful dialogue with the child. Together with his wife (mother of his daughter) I commitment to this. Secondly, I would give names and addresses of the organizers of the old men bunga / bunga. Even before we denounce and lengthy wait, inquiries and investigations, even before the justice involved with the times in which secular moves. As of now I would visit the elders (aged badly) well equipped with proper baseball bat!
Mr President, these are my gut reactions to parental reading to what the media report, the last sad story that the concerns together with minor non-EU (presidential nephew) is actually an irregular, not even an Italian citizen. Mine does not want to be a trial, rather the reaction of a father. I'm not interested in whether and how often and when you Mr President, I saw, met, helped the young Ruby. I do some 'de damn less. I find it unnatural, improper, immoral, inappropriate that a gentleman of over seventy years, father and grandfather, organize parties at home but do not select strictly the guests. Namely that it allows minors imbuchino ... I my daughter to NEVER Arcore not send them.
Mr President, it is right that young people attend the young, the elderly remain between them. It 's always gone that way, it requires common sense and civilization of Latin America (other countries there are other uses and customs). Mr President, you are an old man, you resign, it is not a crime nor a disgrace, indeed a privilege to get there. Should be happy. Just think how many do not get it ... Another issue in the sad story. This law has helped with money the minor (presidential nephew). Serious mistake! Who gives money to charity or cause, or is, at best, captatio benevolence. If it is an act of charity, was not made directly to the girl. President was to inform on their parents and contact them. Given this situation specifically, look for the Female Guardian / Warden and deal with the issue at that level. The fact of the call to the police station, I do not know and I do not pronounce it.
The following is the letter of Bepi Covre, former Member of the Northern League, a businessman, mayor of Oderzo, Councilor of Treviso, which was published by the Mattino di Padova a couple of days ago. E 'addressed to our Supreme Knight. E 'dry, direct, effective. It's worth it not go unnoticed.
President Berlusconi,
I have a daughter aged 17, last of two older brothers. Angela is a normal girl, who is studying, in sports, goes to parties who arranges with his classmates and peers. If only you knew who attends and goes to parties where there are "old men" maybe wealthy, fragrant and extravagant ... Characters that may have the years of his parents, if not for her grandparents! Mr President, I would feel a parent failed! Not giving up to take some urgent measures that I will now explain. First, two solemn slaps the girl child. As required by the old manual, consolidated tradition of sound pedagogical farm. In the days that followed, anger and frustration subsided, I would try to restore a proper and useful dialogue with the child. Together with his wife (mother of his daughter) I commitment to this. Secondly, I would give names and addresses of the organizers of the old men bunga / bunga. Even before we denounce and lengthy wait, inquiries and investigations, even before the justice involved with the times in which secular moves. As of now I would visit the elders (aged badly) well equipped with proper baseball bat!
Mr President, these are my gut reactions to parental reading to what the media report, the last sad story that the concerns together with minor non-EU (presidential nephew) is actually an irregular, not even an Italian citizen. Mine does not want to be a trial, rather the reaction of a father. I'm not interested in whether and how often and when you Mr President, I saw, met, helped the young Ruby. I do some 'de damn less. I find it unnatural, improper, immoral, inappropriate that a gentleman of over seventy years, father and grandfather, organize parties at home but do not select strictly the guests. Namely that it allows minors imbuchino ... I my daughter to NEVER Arcore not send them.
Mr President, it is right that young people attend the young, the elderly remain between them. It 's always gone that way, it requires common sense and civilization of Latin America (other countries there are other uses and customs). Mr President, you are an old man, you resign, it is not a crime nor a disgrace, indeed a privilege to get there. Should be happy. Just think how many do not get it ... Another issue in the sad story. This law has helped with money the minor (presidential nephew). Serious mistake! Who gives money to charity or cause, or is, at best, captatio benevolence. If it is an act of charity, was not made directly to the girl. President was to inform on their parents and contact them. Given this situation specifically, look for the Female Guardian / Warden and deal with the issue at that level. The fact of the call to the police station, I do not know and I do not pronounce it.
The other night at a press conference in Brussels, Mr President you said, to justify rather than clarify, that to govern Italians is conducting a hellish life and exhausting. For the sake of liberating and "mental health" from time to time organizes parties for fun with various and assorted women. A home can do what he believes. Of course, if it were the President of the Government of the country! What more and more frequently forget, and forget you know why? Because his memory is consistent with his age. Consistent and honest, memory, occasionally peeking the registry! Allow me, Mr Berlusconi, not ordered him to govern Italy geriatrician! She has proposed, many have voted. Everything has a beginning, everything has an end, c'est la vie, Monsieur Le President. Nobody prevents to take a step back and take off of him. She said the houses are not lacking, it has twenty to choose from. Choose. Sorry but find that once again, on the other the political side, dense fog, the fog rather steep hill to the rooms ...
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Save The Whales Sayings
Knight Egypt
The head of government called the police, ordered to violate the law and gives the lie to do so. The police obeyed, but there is a problem: the magistrate. Do not worry: it is told some lie to him and eventually head of the government's orders become law. Although the law says otherwise. Even if the cops should be the "guardians of the law." It is a laboratory test of the reform of justice, "Berlusconi, that experienced on the evening of May 27 on the telephone line between Palazzo Grazioli and the police station in Milan. In what happened that night around "Ruby" is the full democracy in personam B. tries from 16 years to transfer into the Constitution and, in the meantime, has become established practice.
In the past there was no need for so much trouble: it was enough to corrupt politicians, financiers, judges, witnesses and the game was done. But what if the policeman and the magistrate did not buy or do not have time to corrupt them? It is said that Mubarak is the granddaughter of Ruby (false, but even if it were true, she was not entitled to any special treatment), in short, we risk a diplomatic incident with Egypt (false); and hygienist dental-Councillor Regional Nicole Minetti takes it with him (not true, download the house of a Brazilian escort). This is not enough to pm for children, which recommended that the girl to the police station until the seals identification or, alternatively, to assign them to a gated community, so she told the magistrate that has been identified (false) and that there 'place in any community is secure (false, there were four available, but none has been called, nor was asked the appropriate city office).
There would be enough to blow up the commissioner and the chief of staff, but the minister Maroni parroting that "it is followed the normal procedure "(false) and is" perfectly proper "(false). To cover the lies of the premier and the police, the Interior Minister must lie well, now covered by its leader Bossi, who is also Minister (Institutional Reform) and comes out with an incredible "Berlusconi did not have to call the police station: Maroni had to call or me. " Summary spectacular view of the owner of the democracy that unites the government of "security" and "zero tolerance" against illegal immigration and crime: Dear Silvio, if you stop for a minor theft to save a friend from the clutches of the police and the judiciary (which notoriously welcome to the minors detained for theft with bunga bunga ritual) do not get your hands dirty, I'll do that in Milan Maroni and the good and the bad weather. A touch of federalism on caste privilege: the devolution of impunity.
who still jumps or horrified before similar events to retain a bit 'of disdain for the future. What happened on that hot night in late May is what does the future if those who can - or Napolitano Fini or both (deliberately omit Schifani, the office of the state remained, because we have to laugh) - not quick to free ourselves from the nano. And therefore if the counter of justice will in the Constitution. According to the draft Alfano (ie Berlusconi), the prosecutor no longer available to the police, that respond exclusively to the government, prosecutors will have to wait patiently for the staff lead on their table this or that news of crime, properly filtered by the government itself, of course and each year will be the Keeper, that the government, indicating the "priority" crimes to be pursued (as the members and friends of the government) and omit (those enemies of the government). So do not happen more than a zealous policeman signals to the Milan prosecutors what happened that night in Police Headquarters. Do you like the crib? It's the future that we reserve this government. Ruby's case it is the road test. Indeed, on the sidewalk.
Done by The Daily
The head of government called the police, ordered to violate the law and gives the lie to do so. The police obeyed, but there is a problem: the magistrate. Do not worry: it is told some lie to him and eventually head of the government's orders become law. Although the law says otherwise. Even if the cops should be the "guardians of the law." It is a laboratory test of the reform of justice, "Berlusconi, that experienced on the evening of May 27 on the telephone line between Palazzo Grazioli and the police station in Milan. In what happened that night around "Ruby" is the full democracy in personam B. tries from 16 years to transfer into the Constitution and, in the meantime, has become established practice.
In the past there was no need for so much trouble: it was enough to corrupt politicians, financiers, judges, witnesses and the game was done. But what if the policeman and the magistrate did not buy or do not have time to corrupt them? It is said that Mubarak is the granddaughter of Ruby (false, but even if it were true, she was not entitled to any special treatment), in short, we risk a diplomatic incident with Egypt (false); and hygienist dental-Councillor Regional Nicole Minetti takes it with him (not true, download the house of a Brazilian escort). This is not enough to pm for children, which recommended that the girl to the police station until the seals identification or, alternatively, to assign them to a gated community, so she told the magistrate that has been identified (false) and that there 'place in any community is secure (false, there were four available, but none has been called, nor was asked the appropriate city office).
There would be enough to blow up the commissioner and the chief of staff, but the minister Maroni parroting that "it is followed the normal procedure "(false) and is" perfectly proper "(false). To cover the lies of the premier and the police, the Interior Minister must lie well, now covered by its leader Bossi, who is also Minister (Institutional Reform) and comes out with an incredible "Berlusconi did not have to call the police station: Maroni had to call or me. " Summary spectacular view of the owner of the democracy that unites the government of "security" and "zero tolerance" against illegal immigration and crime: Dear Silvio, if you stop for a minor theft to save a friend from the clutches of the police and the judiciary (which notoriously welcome to the minors detained for theft with bunga bunga ritual) do not get your hands dirty, I'll do that in Milan Maroni and the good and the bad weather. A touch of federalism on caste privilege: the devolution of impunity.
who still jumps or horrified before similar events to retain a bit 'of disdain for the future. What happened on that hot night in late May is what does the future if those who can - or Napolitano Fini or both (deliberately omit Schifani, the office of the state remained, because we have to laugh) - not quick to free ourselves from the nano. And therefore if the counter of justice will in the Constitution. According to the draft Alfano (ie Berlusconi), the prosecutor no longer available to the police, that respond exclusively to the government, prosecutors will have to wait patiently for the staff lead on their table this or that news of crime, properly filtered by the government itself, of course and each year will be the Keeper, that the government, indicating the "priority" crimes to be pursued (as the members and friends of the government) and omit (those enemies of the government). So do not happen more than a zealous policeman signals to the Milan prosecutors what happened that night in Police Headquarters. Do you like the crib? It's the future that we reserve this government. Ruby's case it is the road test. Indeed, on the sidewalk.
Done by The Daily
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
What To Say On A First Anniversary Of Death
Berlusconi loves women and pepper
Fosse for us, gossip would be prohibited for some time. You do not see why one can not go to dinner or in bed with whom they please without ending "journalists and paparazzi in hot pursuit, and finally on sale. The same goes for politicians, except those who march to Family Day and then have three or four families or make laws to arrest prostitutes and clients and then attend prostitutes. So, at the dawn of the new sexy- scandal B. , just point out that gossip does not interest nor should it be of interest to anyone: B. is free to get to his house all the girls he wants and do whatever he wants, provided that the subjects are in agreement. And, of course, provided that they are not committed crimes and B. there were to be blackmailed.
The two matters, among others, are linked: if one commits a crime, but also morally or politically indecent behavior, those who know them keep it in check and can ask them all to monetize their silence. This is exactly the case of B., and not just for the revelations of underage Moroccan Ruby . B. At least thirty years is blackmailed. In principle, things mafia. In 1998, intercepted the phone with the real estate Renato Della Valle, B. confides: "I send my children to America because I have made extortion ... so ugly ... I happened on other occasions, ten years ago e. .. they came back out ... they told me that if by a certain date does not make the stuff, I handed the head of my son with me and expose the body in the Piazza del Duomo ... If I were sure to get this stuff from the ball, I would pay peaceful, so at least most do not break my balls. " In March '94, when he became chairman of the Council, the consultant Ezio Cartotto witnessing an outburst of Dell'Utri: "Silvio does not understand that should thank me because if I had to open his mouth ...". Then the pizzino attributed to Provenzano and revised Vito Ciancimino, which threatened to "get out of my reserve that lasts for years" and begin talking, if they had not been resolved his legal problems and friends of friends, and if B. had not "made available one of its TV networks" for the need. In recent years, in addition to radio messages prison (Iddu only think Iddu Graviano ...") and the clan (if you do not move anything for us, we must begin to speak "), there is the 'Mills lawyer who collects $ 600,000 not to say everything they know about "Mr. B ". And then
girls. Hordes of young ladies who have done and seen something about B. and could tell it to the highest bidder. B. desperate lot because it's called a half-dozen to RaiFiction systems: one in particular, " Antonella Troise, it is becoming dangerous." Trial was put to speak. When they go out the first interception, two summers ago, B. even while preparing an urgent decree to block the other, then destroyed by the courts of Rome. And yet the blackmail threat by a member of SISDE, husband of Virginia Sanjust , the young TV ads, according to the courts of Rome, had "entered into a close relationship" with sentimental B. And the strange familiarity of B. with the parents of a minor Letizia, who summoned to the party for 18 years and the girl he flies at once to Casoria. He could blackmail him well D'Addario, with all that he knows and has seen the good nights at Palazzo Grazioli, but luckily for him he did not and told all the judges. The mayor Pontecagnano Ernesto Sica, who threatens to tell the sale of senators in 2007 to bring down Prodi, but he sews her mouth and, like magic, becomes regional councilor. Fabrizio E Favata, bringing the trap by Paolo Raffaelli and Silvio B. gift basket with the call-Consort Fassino, then try to extort money from two brothers in exchange for his silence.
The request, has nothing to do with gossip and much with politics, is simple: how many other people are able to blackmail B.? And we will govern until a premier blackmail?
Done by The Daily
Fosse for us, gossip would be prohibited for some time. You do not see why one can not go to dinner or in bed with whom they please without ending "journalists and paparazzi in hot pursuit, and finally on sale. The same goes for politicians, except those who march to Family Day and then have three or four families or make laws to arrest prostitutes and clients and then attend prostitutes. So, at the dawn of the new sexy- scandal B. , just point out that gossip does not interest nor should it be of interest to anyone: B. is free to get to his house all the girls he wants and do whatever he wants, provided that the subjects are in agreement. And, of course, provided that they are not committed crimes and B. there were to be blackmailed.
The two matters, among others, are linked: if one commits a crime, but also morally or politically indecent behavior, those who know them keep it in check and can ask them all to monetize their silence. This is exactly the case of B., and not just for the revelations of underage Moroccan Ruby . B. At least thirty years is blackmailed. In principle, things mafia. In 1998, intercepted the phone with the real estate Renato Della Valle, B. confides: "I send my children to America because I have made extortion ... so ugly ... I happened on other occasions, ten years ago e. .. they came back out ... they told me that if by a certain date does not make the stuff, I handed the head of my son with me and expose the body in the Piazza del Duomo ... If I were sure to get this stuff from the ball, I would pay peaceful, so at least most do not break my balls. " In March '94, when he became chairman of the Council, the consultant Ezio Cartotto witnessing an outburst of Dell'Utri: "Silvio does not understand that should thank me because if I had to open his mouth ...". Then the pizzino attributed to Provenzano and revised Vito Ciancimino, which threatened to "get out of my reserve that lasts for years" and begin talking, if they had not been resolved his legal problems and friends of friends, and if B. had not "made available one of its TV networks" for the need. In recent years, in addition to radio messages prison (Iddu only think Iddu Graviano ...") and the clan (if you do not move anything for us, we must begin to speak "), there is the 'Mills lawyer who collects $ 600,000 not to say everything they know about "Mr. B ". And then
girls. Hordes of young ladies who have done and seen something about B. and could tell it to the highest bidder. B. desperate lot because it's called a half-dozen to RaiFiction systems: one in particular, " Antonella Troise, it is becoming dangerous." Trial was put to speak. When they go out the first interception, two summers ago, B. even while preparing an urgent decree to block the other, then destroyed by the courts of Rome. And yet the blackmail threat by a member of SISDE, husband of Virginia Sanjust , the young TV ads, according to the courts of Rome, had "entered into a close relationship" with sentimental B. And the strange familiarity of B. with the parents of a minor Letizia, who summoned to the party for 18 years and the girl he flies at once to Casoria. He could blackmail him well D'Addario, with all that he knows and has seen the good nights at Palazzo Grazioli, but luckily for him he did not and told all the judges. The mayor Pontecagnano Ernesto Sica, who threatens to tell the sale of senators in 2007 to bring down Prodi, but he sews her mouth and, like magic, becomes regional councilor. Fabrizio E Favata, bringing the trap by Paolo Raffaelli and Silvio B. gift basket with the call-Consort Fassino, then try to extort money from two brothers in exchange for his silence.
The request, has nothing to do with gossip and much with politics, is simple: how many other people are able to blackmail B.? And we will govern until a premier blackmail?
Done by The Daily
Hunger After Stomach Flu?
umbrella of The Fireman
now the false leads come fast, in parallel to the tracks. Leave aside Minzolingua, which is a professional (Tg1 is all "alleged" is missing only that the alleged B. become prime minister and that of his alleged Arcore villa). To have done so even climb over Emilio Fede, which by comparison is the same Ted Turner and B., who has confessed to almost everything: he knows Ruby and opened his heart to the point of sticking to your phone to save her from the cops who had dared to stop for red theft. Let well as by the newspapers of the company that can not deny history, hang up the whining of the "gossip" and persecution, as if the Milan prosecutor's office had chased the girl to entrap B., and whether it was instead found between feet on the case. The newspaper headline: "Eight prosecutors looking for Berlusconi. Nor was Al Capone. " And free: "Here we go again with the pussy. Trappolone for the Cav. " If it passes the idea that haunt him because he likes women, as he managed to convince a year ago to Naomi, the candidate tissue, D'Addario and revels in the villas, B. win this time too. And in bars suffer Italiot the horrible chorus: "He loves women at least, are left instead to be gay or trans.
precisely this - to divert attention from the real object of scandal to his sexual habits - aim to the statements made yesterday by B., improvident after the first day of the confession: "I love life and love women. No one will ever change my lifestyle, I do backbreaking efforts, no one can prevent me to spend an occasional evening relaxing. I attempted to find an expectation for this girl: I felt in a dramatic situation, I sent a person (Nicole Minetti, ed) to help her. " And so, in a cross between the Gospel parable and fable, here's the good Samaritan who stopped on the road between Jerusalem and Jericho to help the little match girl in Morocco. Then, of course, as is sacrificed for us, but will be entitled to a little 'entertainment. Life is short and the flesh is weak.
If anything, for once, the opposition tried to take advantage of yet another scandal (not only is their interest, but a duty), should avoid statements moralistic lifestyle, the idea of \u200b\u200bwomen, vulgarity and sexual preferences of premier (his affairs, of those who attended and voted.) It does not nail it to the bunga bunga, but the public aspects of the story. 1) The abuse of power (not more offense thanks to a clever Law Centre) made a telephone call to the police station to release the girl speak before passing it off as nephew of Mubarak. 2) The role of Minetti, "dental hygienist" and many other things, promoted regional advisor on two feet. 3) The army of people see, know, maybe you can record everything and ask anything in exchange for silence: girls, friends, pimps, brokers, drivers, men of Commons, servants, other invitees. 4) The role of Lele Mora, who procures girls also pay to the Sultan, including children and then when one gets into trouble and could speak, move forward to adopt her daughter: she does for free or is there something for him? 5) The time and manner of the "defensive investigations," Mr. adv. Ghedini, who questions one by one the girls even before they appear before the public prosecutor, an activity permitted by the law of another talented center, but may intrude in pollution evidence.
should speak of this policy and a print worthy of the name. Indeed Bersani chatter about "singular habits of the premier." The genius of D'Alema to screams' "coarsening" and claims that "the Church to intervene" (but then accuse it of interference occurs when unwelcome topics to Pd). And Fireman della Sera headline: "The storm of the feasts of Arcore. Here, the problem is the holidays and weather conditions in the skies of Brianza. More than a survey, simply open an umbrella.
Done by The Daily
now the false leads come fast, in parallel to the tracks. Leave aside Minzolingua, which is a professional (Tg1 is all "alleged" is missing only that the alleged B. become prime minister and that of his alleged Arcore villa). To have done so even climb over Emilio Fede, which by comparison is the same Ted Turner and B., who has confessed to almost everything: he knows Ruby and opened his heart to the point of sticking to your phone to save her from the cops who had dared to stop for red theft. Let well as by the newspapers of the company that can not deny history, hang up the whining of the "gossip" and persecution, as if the Milan prosecutor's office had chased the girl to entrap B., and whether it was instead found between feet on the case. The newspaper headline: "Eight prosecutors looking for Berlusconi. Nor was Al Capone. " And free: "Here we go again with the pussy. Trappolone for the Cav. " If it passes the idea that haunt him because he likes women, as he managed to convince a year ago to Naomi, the candidate tissue, D'Addario and revels in the villas, B. win this time too. And in bars suffer Italiot the horrible chorus: "He loves women at least, are left instead to be gay or trans.
precisely this - to divert attention from the real object of scandal to his sexual habits - aim to the statements made yesterday by B., improvident after the first day of the confession: "I love life and love women. No one will ever change my lifestyle, I do backbreaking efforts, no one can prevent me to spend an occasional evening relaxing. I attempted to find an expectation for this girl: I felt in a dramatic situation, I sent a person (Nicole Minetti, ed) to help her. " And so, in a cross between the Gospel parable and fable, here's the good Samaritan who stopped on the road between Jerusalem and Jericho to help the little match girl in Morocco. Then, of course, as is sacrificed for us, but will be entitled to a little 'entertainment. Life is short and the flesh is weak.
If anything, for once, the opposition tried to take advantage of yet another scandal (not only is their interest, but a duty), should avoid statements moralistic lifestyle, the idea of \u200b\u200bwomen, vulgarity and sexual preferences of premier (his affairs, of those who attended and voted.) It does not nail it to the bunga bunga, but the public aspects of the story. 1) The abuse of power (not more offense thanks to a clever Law Centre) made a telephone call to the police station to release the girl speak before passing it off as nephew of Mubarak. 2) The role of Minetti, "dental hygienist" and many other things, promoted regional advisor on two feet. 3) The army of people see, know, maybe you can record everything and ask anything in exchange for silence: girls, friends, pimps, brokers, drivers, men of Commons, servants, other invitees. 4) The role of Lele Mora, who procures girls also pay to the Sultan, including children and then when one gets into trouble and could speak, move forward to adopt her daughter: she does for free or is there something for him? 5) The time and manner of the "defensive investigations," Mr. adv. Ghedini, who questions one by one the girls even before they appear before the public prosecutor, an activity permitted by the law of another talented center, but may intrude in pollution evidence.
should speak of this policy and a print worthy of the name. Indeed Bersani chatter about "singular habits of the premier." The genius of D'Alema to screams' "coarsening" and claims that "the Church to intervene" (but then accuse it of interference occurs when unwelcome topics to Pd). And Fireman della Sera headline: "The storm of the feasts of Arcore. Here, the problem is the holidays and weather conditions in the skies of Brianza. More than a survey, simply open an umbrella.
Done by The Daily
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
How To Fly With Expired Drivers License
Palermo, another check of escort, and drug policy
is still a woman without a face that had participated in some festivals of sex and drugs in the homes of Silvio Berlusconi. After Noemi-gate and the Ruby-story, leaving a record harvest by the prosecutor in Palermo last episode of the infinite series of scandals that are engulfing the Premier. To speak of "around the party of the President" is Pearl Genovesi, 32 years of Parma, a former parliamentary assistant to a senator PDL - Henry Pianetta - and this as a trafficker of cocaine.
The woman, arrested last summer, told the Palermo pm Marcello Viola and Geri Ferrara confidences received from a friend about some festivals held in the homes of Mr Berlusconi in Milan and Sardinia. The main character, according to Pearl Genovesi, a girl of twenty-eight year-old former Cubist, a professional escort. To have it introduced in the political world it was the witness who in 2006 presented it to the future Minister of Public Renato Brunetta to solve a personal problem, child custody a few years. Since then - according to the Genoese - the friend shook some relations with other politicians, entering what she called the "around the party of the President" in which he would have used drugs and sexual favors in exchange for money. Everything would have occurred between 2009 and 2010, as reported in pm Palermo, who are now trying to locate the ex-cubist.
The Sicilian prosecutors, however, denied having opened an investigation into statements by the Genoese. "We're not investigating a party at Villa Certosa," say the investigators confirmed that he had heard only the young former parliamentary assistant. The first essential step is therefore to give a face and name the mysterious woman mentioned by the Genoese, whose genuineness of the story, full of details must still be evaluated in light of further investigations. The minutes of the Genoese
arises in the context of an investigation conducted by the prosecutor in Palermo on an international drug trafficking from South America. On 19 July she was arrested by the police, with thirteen other people, in the course of Bogota. It is accused of being a courier and defend claims to be a police informer, infiltration ... A version lacks credibility. It turns out that his life, double-sided, parliamentary assistant to drug trafficker.
early 2000, Pearl is a very active young Genoese Forza Italy. Attractive and very firm, becomes director of Bicester district, province of Parma. The perfect unexpected, comes into contact with two Trapani: Paul Messina and Vito Faugiana. With them, he began his double life, on one hand the policy of the other cocaine. In 2005 parliamentary assistant of Senator Henry pidiellino Pianetta. Do you know Renato Brunetta and other prominent names Berlusconi's entourage. In 2007, the first trouble. You stop at a checkpoint in Rome in the company of Faugiana, car has cocaine. You are pregnant and avoid prison but lost the post of parliamentary assistant. After his arrest last July, in one of his first interrogation of the Genovese tells parties Trapani, between drugs and sex with the participation of politicians and local administrators. And we are now, with new revelations that could trigger a disastrous event. But his version is still a page to be written.
Nicole Biondo
is still a woman without a face that had participated in some festivals of sex and drugs in the homes of Silvio Berlusconi. After Noemi-gate and the Ruby-story, leaving a record harvest by the prosecutor in Palermo last episode of the infinite series of scandals that are engulfing the Premier. To speak of "around the party of the President" is Pearl Genovesi, 32 years of Parma, a former parliamentary assistant to a senator PDL - Henry Pianetta - and this as a trafficker of cocaine.
The woman, arrested last summer, told the Palermo pm Marcello Viola and Geri Ferrara confidences received from a friend about some festivals held in the homes of Mr Berlusconi in Milan and Sardinia. The main character, according to Pearl Genovesi, a girl of twenty-eight year-old former Cubist, a professional escort. To have it introduced in the political world it was the witness who in 2006 presented it to the future Minister of Public Renato Brunetta to solve a personal problem, child custody a few years. Since then - according to the Genoese - the friend shook some relations with other politicians, entering what she called the "around the party of the President" in which he would have used drugs and sexual favors in exchange for money. Everything would have occurred between 2009 and 2010, as reported in pm Palermo, who are now trying to locate the ex-cubist.
The Sicilian prosecutors, however, denied having opened an investigation into statements by the Genoese. "We're not investigating a party at Villa Certosa," say the investigators confirmed that he had heard only the young former parliamentary assistant. The first essential step is therefore to give a face and name the mysterious woman mentioned by the Genoese, whose genuineness of the story, full of details must still be evaluated in light of further investigations. The minutes of the Genoese
arises in the context of an investigation conducted by the prosecutor in Palermo on an international drug trafficking from South America. On 19 July she was arrested by the police, with thirteen other people, in the course of Bogota. It is accused of being a courier and defend claims to be a police informer, infiltration ... A version lacks credibility. It turns out that his life, double-sided, parliamentary assistant to drug trafficker.
early 2000, Pearl is a very active young Genoese Forza Italy. Attractive and very firm, becomes director of Bicester district, province of Parma. The perfect unexpected, comes into contact with two Trapani: Paul Messina and Vito Faugiana. With them, he began his double life, on one hand the policy of the other cocaine. In 2005 parliamentary assistant of Senator Henry pidiellino Pianetta. Do you know Renato Brunetta and other prominent names Berlusconi's entourage. In 2007, the first trouble. You stop at a checkpoint in Rome in the company of Faugiana, car has cocaine. You are pregnant and avoid prison but lost the post of parliamentary assistant. After his arrest last July, in one of his first interrogation of the Genovese tells parties Trapani, between drugs and sex with the participation of politicians and local administrators. And we are now, with new revelations that could trigger a disastrous event. But his version is still a page to be written.
Nicole Biondo
Thursday, October 28, 2010
2009 Win And Win Archery Catalog
Double broth Alfano
"Hello everyone, this week I would say two of the many important things: 1) a no Napolitano, we have often criticized the Head of State because he could not say the word "no" this week it said one, because we will see, what is involved. 2) The advances provided by the newspapers on the so-called "reform Justice "presented by the Minister Alfano, who is not really a reform of justice.
the law to Fano on the shield to Berluconi
Again using the wrong words to name things, is a reform of the courts, which passes for a reform of the judiciary to make people believe that this would help to meet our needs citizens, when in fact meets the needs of politicians to control the judiciary.
begin with the "no" Napolitano Law Alfano, no award, we begin to use the right words in our vocabulary and to make clean and then in our minds, and we already know that most Sometimes awards are solutions to disputes decided by arbitrators impartial, unbiased, independent, authoritative, there is no controversy here, there are processes to Berlusconi and there is no impartial arbiter, there Alfano, is a constitutional law laid down in Art. 138 of the Constitution which sets out certain things: 1) to process the Head of State and the Prime Minister takes the approval of a majority in Parliament, approval to proceed with the majority in Parliament, with a simple majority, 50% plus 1 of members of parliament 2) the Alfano law is retroactive, it is obvious that it is retroactive, that is for jobs started before it is approved and for crimes committed before it is approved and this is evident, make it to frustrate the process of Berlusconi, and then if it was not "retroactive" would apply only for jobs that will arise in the future, for crimes that are committed in the future , but here the problem is to block the existing processes, so it is obvious that either they do or do not do it retroactively, and 3) the suspension of trials and repeated until the termination of, what do you mean? What if today Berlusconi fails to suspend its processes with this constitutional law Alfano, when the term ends prematurely if you go to elections before the expiry natural if you go to the elections in 2013, what happens in the new term? What happens is that if Berlusconi returns to the prime minister may use the new law Alfano, and then its processes do not reproduce even the end of the current term and the beginning of the next, continue until you stop doing the Premier and now has 74 years and in 2013 it will be 77 and if the Prime Minister for another 5 years will reach 82, but the reiterabilità not only means that one can be brought behind the shield of a another term, means that if you change sofa, always within the two Presidency of the Republic, President of the Council's true anyway, so if Berlusconi was elected in 2013 when it will to renew the Head of State, President of the Republic, it would drag the shield that had as Prime Minister. So basically the
reiterabilità means that if Berlusconi can get back to Palazzo Chigi, or even go to the Quirinal, what we call suspension is actually abolishing forever, secula secolorum in its processes, this is essentially vulgar words in the Constitutional Law Alfano, know that it goes into effect soon, the Senate must still approve it first, then the House first, then pass 3 months, then again go to the Senate again passed the House unless will never be amended at that point it goes to referendum because it is Clearly, if they can approve it by majority of 50 +1 and already this is not safe, given the critical positions of Finian, so it's sure not reach a majority of 2 / 3, the referendum is virtually automatic, just ask and then Citizens will decide on the question: do you want the law is equal for all, or rather that there is a person, the head of the government more equal than others? And Mr Berlusconi will have to be a campaign to ask citizens to give him impunity, only to him, to no one but him and the Head of State, if the Head of State will be included in that shield, because they understood the Head of State in the shield? Why not where we want to make a shield is just the name of the beneficiary, because if they do only for the prime minister, even those who now pretend not to see, understand that security is not a function of the two Presidents, but it is a protection the person of Mr Berlusconi.
By the way this thing so who is the head of government can not undergo the process is ridiculous, because in the meantime ordered a country who should not be able to process the prime minister and had jobs after being appointed Prime Minister, should resign, this is the case in other countries, but above is not written anywhere that it is only one Head of Government not have time to go occasionally to some hearing or to send his lawyers to represent him in any hearing, Berlusconi made the Minister of Economic Development for 6 month interim, said he had undertaken a great deal, has now stopped because he appointed Minister for the Romans, so obviously great that commitment that has made the Ministry of Economic Development, now that he's got more, leave a lot of free time and therefore could use it to go to trial, those who did make it to him to go a few days at the dacha in Russia to celebrate the birthday of Putin, it was not an official diplomatic mission, went there to find his friend, well, it is the demonstration that free time has in spades!
But above all this is a ridiculous thing for another reason, namely that Berlusconi knew before being elected to Parliament two years and a half ago, in 2008 and being appointed Chairman of the Board, to have jobs, why? Because he had before and thus could be included in a program of the PDL, I would say at the top of the PDL program, since it is the thing that engages him, in which say eleggetemi because if I am elected I will be a shield, and so we would know if the center-right voters are willing or not to vote for Berlusconi to give him the shield, but in reality he always makes the election campaigns on the bridge over the Strait, the reduction of ... all promises that does not maintain, is the only one who is holding the shield, but he had never promised to voters before the election. Why
Napolitano said no? He could say no for this reason: I do not have processes gentlemen, I do not see why you should make me a law that suspends them to me, if you want to make a law that suspends the processes to the Premier, make a law suspending the processes and the Premier Keep out of the President of the Republic that does not need protection, he might mention the preparations for the Constituent Assembly where they pose the question whether to make the head of state immunity and the founding fathers decided no, they decided that the Head of State for ordinary crimes and processed as any citizen, and is not responsible for any action taken in its capacity as Head of State, in fact as you know there is always the countersignature of a Minister when the Head of State takes an initiative, because he is not responsible, this was established, for the acts committed in their duties, if someone lies with the car or stabbed a neighbor or building is an abuse, whatever, those are common crimes committed outside of ' perform these functions, not to mention the crimes committed before being put into operation, for those the Head of State is an ordinary citizen, for ordinary crimes or extra functional prefunzionali.
There are only two crimes committed in the exercise of the functions for which the Head of states and processes, are the two most serious offenses that can make a head of state: high treason against the Constitution, in these cases, the Parliament expressed a qualified majority, shall vote with a majority of 2 / 3 for commissioning indict the Head of State, known in Italy that impeachment is not called like that and then the head of state will end up before the Constitutional Court that the process or for high treason or against the Constitution. Outside of those two cases for offenses functional Head of State is not liable for ordinary crimes and is treated as an ordinary citizen, even if it is established practice, then you know that legal practices have the force of law, for which it was established that for common crimes not expect the end of the term, a bit 'what's happening in France, also there for the Cape State, it happened for example that when the Public Prosecutor of Rome opened an investigation on the funds and some blacks SISDE Sisde leaders said they passed the reserved funds, the ones you use for expenses that can not be documented, paid informants, confident, unrepentant, spies, foreign spies, funds are reserved in the availability of the Minister of the Interior, and then some ministers made use of these funds earmarked for non-institutional, were investigated several former Ministers Interior including Scalfaro, Scalfaro expected him to finish his presidential term, then sent out the survey and discovered that it was not true at all, that Scalfaro was a good person, and then the investigation of abuse ' office was closed but was not made during the presidency of the Republic to Scalfaro.
The strange shield to the President of the Republic
Then the head of state for ordinary crimes is tried to practice after his term expires, the offense function, tied to the office is not responsible, except to attack the Constitution and high treason, in which case you need a qualified majority of two thirds of Parliament to put it charge and drag it to the Constitutional Court.
Now this rule is not abolished in the constitution, why? Why is left is an article of the Constitution which concerns the possible crimes of the Head of State, next to that constitutional provision, the constitutional law Alfano was born in the intention of the Government of the majority who said that for ordinary crimes the Head of State is not actionable unless authorized to carry a simple majority of Parliament, 50% plus 1, then give it a paradoxical below those which is now the head of state, but rather for the crimes the functional head of state to be put in state indictment for high treason against the Constitution is no need for the 2 / 3 of the Parliament, so it's very protected the head of state, for ordinary crimes is very easy to put him on the abuse of buildings, it is easy to put it because the indictment? Why just 51% of Parliament, which is ridiculous, because it is ridiculous? Because while there is nothing comparable to high treason or attack the Constitution, but to put him in the indictment was for those very serious crimes is very difficult because you have to reach 2 / 3 of the Parliament, whereas if it is a construction abuse, libel, an argument with a neighbor or something, there is easy to put it to the indictment, why? Why just 51% of the Parliament and then the head of state becomes a hostage of the political majority that is in that moment.
Then there is the political majority at the time, so the government there at the time, can keep the broom head of state, why? Because it depends on a simple majority whether the Head of State should or should not be on trial for a 4-reatucolo money and therefore they can blackmail of course, if you're good we do not give permission to proceed, if you're good to give . That is the Head of State said no, why not say: I want to be equal to all other citizens before the law as it is now functional except the crimes, but because he says that doing so limits the autonomy and independence of the Head of State which, unlike the head of government, represents the entire nation, is not only a majority, of course, those who made the Law Alfano rushed to say: now make war, we had not noticed, they did not even read or pretend not to have caught something so devastating, because it all done? Why should I put a fig leaf on Berlusconi, the head of state is used in the Alfano Law as a fig leaf for Berlusconi.
Now what will they do? It is not clear, why? Because if you put the head of state for authorization to proceed with the 2 / 3, Berlusconi may have problems so what should I do? They will probably make a different majority for approval to proceed with the Head of State and Head of Government, all why? Because obviously he is considering blocking the head of government processes, but we can also deal with this Law Alfano few months or few years because as we said this is not problem-solving to the Knight, as it will take a year and a half two years to send her into force, provided that Berlusconi is still interested in doing all of this ordeal for two years, since time is short and December 14 is just around the corner and is on December 14 that the Constitutional Court will determine whether its legitimate ground that procedurally it suspends until next summer is or is not legitimate, because if it is not legitimate accused Berlusconi back at Christmas and will have to be something ' more quickly, such as another such failure, perhaps changing a bit 'one just launched by the Court, or courts in a few months go to court decisions in the process Mills and Mediaset in the process.
Two of the judges, the reform of the judges illegally renamed "Reform of Justice" a few important points, while Alfano says and rightly so, that this reform is taken paro, paro from the draft by the Bicameral Roar.
In 1997, after six drafts exploratory Boato presented the seventh and final where in 1998 he went to vote in the bicameral chaired by D'Alema, the center-left and all parties of the center-right and center-left, except Refounded Communists, approved the draft Roar, then for luck when it came to translate into constitutional, then approved the draft in parliament in bicameral Berlusconi pulled back, why? Well because he wanted the amnesty and the fact that now was nearly in elections, can not remember if European, I think so, the center-left did not feel to amnesty because otherwise would have been swept away so that Berlusconi wanted to use the bicameral to get amnesty, since they do not gave it to him, blew the bicameral bicameral both had well served to block the center-left on a whole set of rules he would not, conflict of interest, antitrust, etc.. those were bought his participation in the bicameral giving him all won and now Berlusconi, at the appropriate time, he made a nice gesture of the umbrella, made him fall to the justice reform reform of the courts, constitutional reform, then it jumped and then the bicameral thought Berlusconi in the next term to make the famous Counter-judicial organization, Castelli, who then went into force with the decrees in the second Prodi government with the reform Castles - Mastella which was then revised and the same thing or perhaps corrupt, which means among other things that do not need to no reform of justice because they have already made eighty in these 15 years, in the book I remembered how many are in personam justice reforms made in these 15 years, just because now they tell us: the reform of the justice finally arrives, no, have made eighty justice reforms, have all had the effect of making it last longer processes.
This has no bearing on the length of trials, because affects only and exclusively on the status of the magistrate and in particular the Public Ministry, the black beast, and then remembering it's copying the reform of the bicameral already voted on by all parties in the bicameral, but fortunately not in force because of Berlusconi, God bless him , did save the bicameral Alfano proposes a number of points of the draft Roar, why? Because here it is even rewrite the Title IV of the Constitution, a huge block of laws, dozens of articles, what today is called "The Judiciary" and that in future the Minister will call "Justice" because the word "judiciary" is not like. First, careers, separation career, that's why they make a constitutional provision, because the Constitution provides that judges are distinguished only by how many functions and all belong to the same order then that is a state power, independent, says the Constitution, independent of all other powers, the which means that there is an order that the Judiciary is a state power and the entire Judiciary means: judges and prosecutors, but now we will separate careers. The constitutional position of judge is different from that of the PM, writes Alfano, the judge is a state power, it remains a state power, no longer the PM, is defined as an office governed by the standards of the judiciary, then the PM is no longer part of the career of the judiciary, becomes a kind of prosthesis of the forces of 'order, the forces of' order come to him and say: Ask me stop this, ask me why the interception , put me in this investigation, this autorizzami stalking and obeys PM, another thing is the judge who judgeth.
Today, fortunately it is not, it happens very often that the forces of 'order they want to do something and instead say that the PM no, why? Because he is steeped in culture of impartiality, not to arrest someone even if it is, has to arrest the culprits, no one provided that, we've said a thousand times, the PM is not paid by the piece on the arrests or convictions, the prosecutor must seek the truth, the court must ascertain the truth and then make a trade complementary, so they must be in the same career, because the truth comes out only if the PM and the head judge have the concept and the criterion of impartiality and the bush, the police forces do not have this duty, the police forces, as you know, make a career based on the statistics and the statistics are tot raids, arrests tot, tot seizures, then go to those who know if you got then will be convicted or not, it's important that you take so many, even arrive at the aberrations of certain officers sequestrants or executives diverted several times by the same game or even the drugs are found, as has happened recently in some high officials of the ROS, why? Why should fatten the statistics, the judge and the prosecutor has nothing to do with this way of working.
Now the PM is released from the culture of impartiality and the truth will become only the judge, will be a long arm of the forces of 'order, and he asked those grants as a jukebox of the police and to the detriment of this guarantees citizens, of course, because the court will have to wait long after arriving to rectify their mistakes that will set the police forces and the PM, Today it is the PM's first citizens 'bulwark against abuse of the forces of' order.
The Office of the PM and this is the first limit to be put to the powers of the PM, the prosecution continues to hold, it is for him to open investigations and seek indictments, God forbid, but should exercise it 's prosecution in accordance with the priorities set by law, that's what they do, they write into the Constitution that the PM should follow the priorities laid out by law, then it becomes an ordinary law, 50% plus 1, which states that the PM should give priority to certain crimes than others and guess what 'in which crimes should give priority to the PM, today must not give priority to anything, if you have more than enough to do it gives priority to more serious crimes or those committed more recently, since older ones are likely to end up in the prescription, if it should choose its own, but there is no legal requirement that between bankruptcy and a theft is obvious that gives priority to the bankruptcy, why? Because the bankruptcy has stolen thousands of citizens million, while the theft, as theft is a serious, as it may have taken away the victim?
In the future you will see that we have a law that would force judges to give priority to snatching, petty theft, street crime and neglect bankruptcy, false accounting, corruption, graft, fraud, crimes that take away money from state coffers or from the world of finance to the detriment of citizens and investors. Imagine this majority establishing the priority crimes, but they are also able to remove the mafia, the Camorra crime el''ndrangheta by priority, given the representations of the Mafia, Camorra and 'Ndrangheta in government and in the majority.
According to the PM limit, the availability of the Judicial Police will be left to the rules laid down by law, the Constitution will write this and then make a law by a simple majority, 50% plus 1, which explains that the PM is no longer the dominus of the Judicial Police, today, the Judicial Police does what it says to the PM, the PM said "go there and they go there" to investigate and they are obliged to investigate that, but in the future, the Judicial Police will be left to the hierarchical control that, is it? Government, the Guardia di Finanza responds to Minister Tremonti, the police respond to the Minister Maroni, interior, the Police respond to the Minister of Defence, Russia and depend on the government and nothing else, so if the judge says indagatemi a bit 'on that financial transaction on the tax fraud, they say, no, must do what the government says, the judicial police officers, think a bit 'when it comes to investigate a boy beaten up in custody or during an event, it is useless cases we make the names, we know them all, there are more and more!
When the Judicial Police must investigate itself, unless there is a specific order of the Magistrate, with the cabbage that I'm going to investigate my colleague or my manager, if I have an order of the Magistrate I do and are protected by that order, why? Why he asked me, but I do not have the order of the Magistrate and this is my initiative to investigate one of my top, I do not, why? Why do I break the career, they send me to investigate the sheep in Sardinia or in Aspromonte! Do you understand the logic of separate careers, and then the strip the flesh off the autonomous powers that guarantee autonomy of the Magistrate, PM, and then rights and fairness to the citizens.
The CSM, of course, separating the PM by the courts as a career also separate the CSM, one will be for the PM and one will be for the judges, so meanwhile, split a single body, it split into two bodies, which will contain a lot less, naturally Why? Because they are less people and that attention will no longer be made as stated in the current Constitution for the 2 / 3 of magistrates and for 1 / 3 to be elected by Parliament, but if there is good will be fifty-fifty half elected by Parliament and half of the magistrates, if we go wrong will go wrong and I think there is a Murphy's Law, with this political class, may be worse if we go to 1 / 3 the CSM will consist of judges and 2 / 3 by politicians and call it self-governing body of the magistracy, a self-governing body that actually has a majority of politicians , imagine what becomes the CSM, not an organ of self-assurance and the Judiciary, but a firing squad to punish the judges, who? Those unable to, those loafers? Those lazy? Those corrupt? Those collude? No, those will be promoted, the good ones will be punished, efficient, and in recent years, the CSM has betrayed its duty to defend the honest judges (see Forleo, De Magistris, magistrates, Nuzi, and Apicella Verasani of Salerno who had dared to the nose in some shrines) and even betrayed by a majority of judges is still, when they imagine what most politicians fail to do, probably will even conquer the prosecutors in Milan and Palermo for the moment have not yet succeeded despite attempts to dismantle.
The purpose of separation of powers
The CSM course will not be able to express opinions on laws that relate a shame the judiciary, can do so only when I asked the minister and the minister knows that as a CSM worthy of the name, not can do horrendous negative opinions on laws, not to seek the views CSM and so there is not even that glimmer Regulatory control on justice.
And then hold on tight because there is an excessive fat from the Minister of Justice, Alfano gives a little 'more powers, and of course many more powers in them gives the Minister, then Minister for Justice will have enormous powers interference on the autonomy and independence of the judiciary, the Attorney General will report annually to the Houses on the state of justice, concerning the prosecution and the use of means of investigation, you think the Minister of Justice, a political party the majority, it is every year the Oireachtas and report back on how justice should be, how is to prosecute, on whom the PM had asked to prosecute and who not to and use of methods of investigation, will stick their nose if the Magistrate has used wiretaps, he used the stalking, bugs, this that other methods of investigation, if he does not like an investigation, if he does not like someone who investigates the report to the Minister and Parliament to end what it does? Vote the report of the Minister, is put to a vote in Parliament prosecution by public prosecutors, Parliament must approve or disapprove annually the investigation of the judiciary, think that abortion, abomination, monstrous, where does finish the separation of powers, Parliament votes on the activities of the Judiciary, today could not do, why? Because prosecutors could raise a conflict of powers between the branches of government, as the prosecution should not respond to others, if not the law, let alone to Parliament, the majority or the government attorney in the future will no longer be a power of was therefore no longer be able to raise the conflict before the Constitutional Court against these abominations, imagine how the Judge will feel intimidated by the prospect that its inquiry should be publicly denounced and rejected by the parliamentary majority, having plus behind the CSM that the protection, but a firing squad that can shot at the back, by a majority of politicians, and judges who make inquiries about the power uncomfortable if they do not find it anymore, except the suicide bombers, would-be suicides.
The Minister of Justice then becomes a figure who may submit proposals and requests to the CSM, and even attend meetings of the CSM is proposed, contributes to the training of judges and PM, I'll teach him to courts and judges the job of PM, teaches him the Minister by appropriate teachers, you can imagine, imagine Alfano, Castelli, Mastella, Biondi, Mancuso, the various Ministers we have had in recent years, a most indecent of the other, when you think can help to train new judges, training that will pull out!
Last two points: Sheehan returns to the law unconstitutional, the one that abolished the PM's call, you know that in 2005, Berlusconi fear of losing their appeals process, did abolish the appeal by his lawyer that the lawyer Pecorella that the President of the Judiciary Committee, it was determined that, if you are acquitted or prescribed in the first degree and PM calls he can not do more, so you the first time you got on well, go home for good and quiet blessed, but if he is sentenced at first instance, then you can appeal and if you lose your job and you condemn on appeal, you can appeal to the Supreme Court, but the PM can not to appeal against the acquittals and the instructions and then speak of equality of arms between prosecution and defense in criminal trials is unconstitutional this crap, the Court has failed, has also riconsentito PM, not only to the accused to appeal and now put it in the Constitution, a provision has already been declared unconstitutional by the Court. Finally
also includes the participation of people in the administration of justice, how? With the appointment of honorary judges elected to the functions of PM, there would be a bit 'of PM elected by the people, think how wonderful, you make the election campaigns for the election of the PM, the League will have its candidate, the PDL will have the its candidate, the PD will its candidate, Di Pietro will have its candidate, the radical Left, the UDC will have its candidate, who knows if they can find a candidate clean record, think how wonderful, election campaigns for the election of the PM, who will then never investigated by an elected PM at altitude League, Di Pietro share, net to the PDL, PD-altitude, high altitude UDC, think what a mess, think of an immigrant who is on trial on the counter a prosecution in a PM elected in Bergamo list of PM leaguers, must feel safe as you think, think if you do not have the right to ask the legitimate suspicion and transferring to another seat. This
to tell you the seriousness of what's happening, I do not think I have noticed great indignation in circulation, but then this is a country accustomed to all this crap that passes for justice reform.
"Hello everyone, this week I would say two of the many important things: 1) a no Napolitano, we have often criticized the Head of State because he could not say the word "no" this week it said one, because we will see, what is involved. 2) The advances provided by the newspapers on the so-called "reform Justice "presented by the Minister Alfano, who is not really a reform of justice.
the law to Fano on the shield to Berluconi
Again using the wrong words to name things, is a reform of the courts, which passes for a reform of the judiciary to make people believe that this would help to meet our needs citizens, when in fact meets the needs of politicians to control the judiciary.
begin with the "no" Napolitano Law Alfano, no award, we begin to use the right words in our vocabulary and to make clean and then in our minds, and we already know that most Sometimes awards are solutions to disputes decided by arbitrators impartial, unbiased, independent, authoritative, there is no controversy here, there are processes to Berlusconi and there is no impartial arbiter, there Alfano, is a constitutional law laid down in Art. 138 of the Constitution which sets out certain things: 1) to process the Head of State and the Prime Minister takes the approval of a majority in Parliament, approval to proceed with the majority in Parliament, with a simple majority, 50% plus 1 of members of parliament 2) the Alfano law is retroactive, it is obvious that it is retroactive, that is for jobs started before it is approved and for crimes committed before it is approved and this is evident, make it to frustrate the process of Berlusconi, and then if it was not "retroactive" would apply only for jobs that will arise in the future, for crimes that are committed in the future , but here the problem is to block the existing processes, so it is obvious that either they do or do not do it retroactively, and 3) the suspension of trials and repeated until the termination of, what do you mean? What if today Berlusconi fails to suspend its processes with this constitutional law Alfano, when the term ends prematurely if you go to elections before the expiry natural if you go to the elections in 2013, what happens in the new term? What happens is that if Berlusconi returns to the prime minister may use the new law Alfano, and then its processes do not reproduce even the end of the current term and the beginning of the next, continue until you stop doing the Premier and now has 74 years and in 2013 it will be 77 and if the Prime Minister for another 5 years will reach 82, but the reiterabilità not only means that one can be brought behind the shield of a another term, means that if you change sofa, always within the two Presidency of the Republic, President of the Council's true anyway, so if Berlusconi was elected in 2013 when it will to renew the Head of State, President of the Republic, it would drag the shield that had as Prime Minister. So basically the
reiterabilità means that if Berlusconi can get back to Palazzo Chigi, or even go to the Quirinal, what we call suspension is actually abolishing forever, secula secolorum in its processes, this is essentially vulgar words in the Constitutional Law Alfano, know that it goes into effect soon, the Senate must still approve it first, then the House first, then pass 3 months, then again go to the Senate again passed the House unless will never be amended at that point it goes to referendum because it is Clearly, if they can approve it by majority of 50 +1 and already this is not safe, given the critical positions of Finian, so it's sure not reach a majority of 2 / 3, the referendum is virtually automatic, just ask and then Citizens will decide on the question: do you want the law is equal for all, or rather that there is a person, the head of the government more equal than others? And Mr Berlusconi will have to be a campaign to ask citizens to give him impunity, only to him, to no one but him and the Head of State, if the Head of State will be included in that shield, because they understood the Head of State in the shield? Why not where we want to make a shield is just the name of the beneficiary, because if they do only for the prime minister, even those who now pretend not to see, understand that security is not a function of the two Presidents, but it is a protection the person of Mr Berlusconi.
By the way this thing so who is the head of government can not undergo the process is ridiculous, because in the meantime ordered a country who should not be able to process the prime minister and had jobs after being appointed Prime Minister, should resign, this is the case in other countries, but above is not written anywhere that it is only one Head of Government not have time to go occasionally to some hearing or to send his lawyers to represent him in any hearing, Berlusconi made the Minister of Economic Development for 6 month interim, said he had undertaken a great deal, has now stopped because he appointed Minister for the Romans, so obviously great that commitment that has made the Ministry of Economic Development, now that he's got more, leave a lot of free time and therefore could use it to go to trial, those who did make it to him to go a few days at the dacha in Russia to celebrate the birthday of Putin, it was not an official diplomatic mission, went there to find his friend, well, it is the demonstration that free time has in spades!
But above all this is a ridiculous thing for another reason, namely that Berlusconi knew before being elected to Parliament two years and a half ago, in 2008 and being appointed Chairman of the Board, to have jobs, why? Because he had before and thus could be included in a program of the PDL, I would say at the top of the PDL program, since it is the thing that engages him, in which say eleggetemi because if I am elected I will be a shield, and so we would know if the center-right voters are willing or not to vote for Berlusconi to give him the shield, but in reality he always makes the election campaigns on the bridge over the Strait, the reduction of ... all promises that does not maintain, is the only one who is holding the shield, but he had never promised to voters before the election. Why
Napolitano said no? He could say no for this reason: I do not have processes gentlemen, I do not see why you should make me a law that suspends them to me, if you want to make a law that suspends the processes to the Premier, make a law suspending the processes and the Premier Keep out of the President of the Republic that does not need protection, he might mention the preparations for the Constituent Assembly where they pose the question whether to make the head of state immunity and the founding fathers decided no, they decided that the Head of State for ordinary crimes and processed as any citizen, and is not responsible for any action taken in its capacity as Head of State, in fact as you know there is always the countersignature of a Minister when the Head of State takes an initiative, because he is not responsible, this was established, for the acts committed in their duties, if someone lies with the car or stabbed a neighbor or building is an abuse, whatever, those are common crimes committed outside of ' perform these functions, not to mention the crimes committed before being put into operation, for those the Head of State is an ordinary citizen, for ordinary crimes or extra functional prefunzionali.
There are only two crimes committed in the exercise of the functions for which the Head of states and processes, are the two most serious offenses that can make a head of state: high treason against the Constitution, in these cases, the Parliament expressed a qualified majority, shall vote with a majority of 2 / 3 for commissioning indict the Head of State, known in Italy that impeachment is not called like that and then the head of state will end up before the Constitutional Court that the process or for high treason or against the Constitution. Outside of those two cases for offenses functional Head of State is not liable for ordinary crimes and is treated as an ordinary citizen, even if it is established practice, then you know that legal practices have the force of law, for which it was established that for common crimes not expect the end of the term, a bit 'what's happening in France, also there for the Cape State, it happened for example that when the Public Prosecutor of Rome opened an investigation on the funds and some blacks SISDE Sisde leaders said they passed the reserved funds, the ones you use for expenses that can not be documented, paid informants, confident, unrepentant, spies, foreign spies, funds are reserved in the availability of the Minister of the Interior, and then some ministers made use of these funds earmarked for non-institutional, were investigated several former Ministers Interior including Scalfaro, Scalfaro expected him to finish his presidential term, then sent out the survey and discovered that it was not true at all, that Scalfaro was a good person, and then the investigation of abuse ' office was closed but was not made during the presidency of the Republic to Scalfaro.
The strange shield to the President of the Republic
Then the head of state for ordinary crimes is tried to practice after his term expires, the offense function, tied to the office is not responsible, except to attack the Constitution and high treason, in which case you need a qualified majority of two thirds of Parliament to put it charge and drag it to the Constitutional Court.
Now this rule is not abolished in the constitution, why? Why is left is an article of the Constitution which concerns the possible crimes of the Head of State, next to that constitutional provision, the constitutional law Alfano was born in the intention of the Government of the majority who said that for ordinary crimes the Head of State is not actionable unless authorized to carry a simple majority of Parliament, 50% plus 1, then give it a paradoxical below those which is now the head of state, but rather for the crimes the functional head of state to be put in state indictment for high treason against the Constitution is no need for the 2 / 3 of the Parliament, so it's very protected the head of state, for ordinary crimes is very easy to put him on the abuse of buildings, it is easy to put it because the indictment? Why just 51% of Parliament, which is ridiculous, because it is ridiculous? Because while there is nothing comparable to high treason or attack the Constitution, but to put him in the indictment was for those very serious crimes is very difficult because you have to reach 2 / 3 of the Parliament, whereas if it is a construction abuse, libel, an argument with a neighbor or something, there is easy to put it to the indictment, why? Why just 51% of the Parliament and then the head of state becomes a hostage of the political majority that is in that moment.
Then there is the political majority at the time, so the government there at the time, can keep the broom head of state, why? Because it depends on a simple majority whether the Head of State should or should not be on trial for a 4-reatucolo money and therefore they can blackmail of course, if you're good we do not give permission to proceed, if you're good to give . That is the Head of State said no, why not say: I want to be equal to all other citizens before the law as it is now functional except the crimes, but because he says that doing so limits the autonomy and independence of the Head of State which, unlike the head of government, represents the entire nation, is not only a majority, of course, those who made the Law Alfano rushed to say: now make war, we had not noticed, they did not even read or pretend not to have caught something so devastating, because it all done? Why should I put a fig leaf on Berlusconi, the head of state is used in the Alfano Law as a fig leaf for Berlusconi.
Now what will they do? It is not clear, why? Because if you put the head of state for authorization to proceed with the 2 / 3, Berlusconi may have problems so what should I do? They will probably make a different majority for approval to proceed with the Head of State and Head of Government, all why? Because obviously he is considering blocking the head of government processes, but we can also deal with this Law Alfano few months or few years because as we said this is not problem-solving to the Knight, as it will take a year and a half two years to send her into force, provided that Berlusconi is still interested in doing all of this ordeal for two years, since time is short and December 14 is just around the corner and is on December 14 that the Constitutional Court will determine whether its legitimate ground that procedurally it suspends until next summer is or is not legitimate, because if it is not legitimate accused Berlusconi back at Christmas and will have to be something ' more quickly, such as another such failure, perhaps changing a bit 'one just launched by the Court, or courts in a few months go to court decisions in the process Mills and Mediaset in the process.
Two of the judges, the reform of the judges illegally renamed "Reform of Justice" a few important points, while Alfano says and rightly so, that this reform is taken paro, paro from the draft by the Bicameral Roar.
In 1997, after six drafts exploratory Boato presented the seventh and final where in 1998 he went to vote in the bicameral chaired by D'Alema, the center-left and all parties of the center-right and center-left, except Refounded Communists, approved the draft Roar, then for luck when it came to translate into constitutional, then approved the draft in parliament in bicameral Berlusconi pulled back, why? Well because he wanted the amnesty and the fact that now was nearly in elections, can not remember if European, I think so, the center-left did not feel to amnesty because otherwise would have been swept away so that Berlusconi wanted to use the bicameral to get amnesty, since they do not gave it to him, blew the bicameral bicameral both had well served to block the center-left on a whole set of rules he would not, conflict of interest, antitrust, etc.. those were bought his participation in the bicameral giving him all won and now Berlusconi, at the appropriate time, he made a nice gesture of the umbrella, made him fall to the justice reform reform of the courts, constitutional reform, then it jumped and then the bicameral thought Berlusconi in the next term to make the famous Counter-judicial organization, Castelli, who then went into force with the decrees in the second Prodi government with the reform Castles - Mastella which was then revised and the same thing or perhaps corrupt, which means among other things that do not need to no reform of justice because they have already made eighty in these 15 years, in the book I remembered how many are in personam justice reforms made in these 15 years, just because now they tell us: the reform of the justice finally arrives, no, have made eighty justice reforms, have all had the effect of making it last longer processes.
This has no bearing on the length of trials, because affects only and exclusively on the status of the magistrate and in particular the Public Ministry, the black beast, and then remembering it's copying the reform of the bicameral already voted on by all parties in the bicameral, but fortunately not in force because of Berlusconi, God bless him , did save the bicameral Alfano proposes a number of points of the draft Roar, why? Because here it is even rewrite the Title IV of the Constitution, a huge block of laws, dozens of articles, what today is called "The Judiciary" and that in future the Minister will call "Justice" because the word "judiciary" is not like. First, careers, separation career, that's why they make a constitutional provision, because the Constitution provides that judges are distinguished only by how many functions and all belong to the same order then that is a state power, independent, says the Constitution, independent of all other powers, the which means that there is an order that the Judiciary is a state power and the entire Judiciary means: judges and prosecutors, but now we will separate careers. The constitutional position of judge is different from that of the PM, writes Alfano, the judge is a state power, it remains a state power, no longer the PM, is defined as an office governed by the standards of the judiciary, then the PM is no longer part of the career of the judiciary, becomes a kind of prosthesis of the forces of 'order, the forces of' order come to him and say: Ask me stop this, ask me why the interception , put me in this investigation, this autorizzami stalking and obeys PM, another thing is the judge who judgeth.
Today, fortunately it is not, it happens very often that the forces of 'order they want to do something and instead say that the PM no, why? Because he is steeped in culture of impartiality, not to arrest someone even if it is, has to arrest the culprits, no one provided that, we've said a thousand times, the PM is not paid by the piece on the arrests or convictions, the prosecutor must seek the truth, the court must ascertain the truth and then make a trade complementary, so they must be in the same career, because the truth comes out only if the PM and the head judge have the concept and the criterion of impartiality and the bush, the police forces do not have this duty, the police forces, as you know, make a career based on the statistics and the statistics are tot raids, arrests tot, tot seizures, then go to those who know if you got then will be convicted or not, it's important that you take so many, even arrive at the aberrations of certain officers sequestrants or executives diverted several times by the same game or even the drugs are found, as has happened recently in some high officials of the ROS, why? Why should fatten the statistics, the judge and the prosecutor has nothing to do with this way of working.
Now the PM is released from the culture of impartiality and the truth will become only the judge, will be a long arm of the forces of 'order, and he asked those grants as a jukebox of the police and to the detriment of this guarantees citizens, of course, because the court will have to wait long after arriving to rectify their mistakes that will set the police forces and the PM, Today it is the PM's first citizens 'bulwark against abuse of the forces of' order.
The Office of the PM and this is the first limit to be put to the powers of the PM, the prosecution continues to hold, it is for him to open investigations and seek indictments, God forbid, but should exercise it 's prosecution in accordance with the priorities set by law, that's what they do, they write into the Constitution that the PM should follow the priorities laid out by law, then it becomes an ordinary law, 50% plus 1, which states that the PM should give priority to certain crimes than others and guess what 'in which crimes should give priority to the PM, today must not give priority to anything, if you have more than enough to do it gives priority to more serious crimes or those committed more recently, since older ones are likely to end up in the prescription, if it should choose its own, but there is no legal requirement that between bankruptcy and a theft is obvious that gives priority to the bankruptcy, why? Because the bankruptcy has stolen thousands of citizens million, while the theft, as theft is a serious, as it may have taken away the victim?
In the future you will see that we have a law that would force judges to give priority to snatching, petty theft, street crime and neglect bankruptcy, false accounting, corruption, graft, fraud, crimes that take away money from state coffers or from the world of finance to the detriment of citizens and investors. Imagine this majority establishing the priority crimes, but they are also able to remove the mafia, the Camorra crime el''ndrangheta by priority, given the representations of the Mafia, Camorra and 'Ndrangheta in government and in the majority.
According to the PM limit, the availability of the Judicial Police will be left to the rules laid down by law, the Constitution will write this and then make a law by a simple majority, 50% plus 1, which explains that the PM is no longer the dominus of the Judicial Police, today, the Judicial Police does what it says to the PM, the PM said "go there and they go there" to investigate and they are obliged to investigate that, but in the future, the Judicial Police will be left to the hierarchical control that, is it? Government, the Guardia di Finanza responds to Minister Tremonti, the police respond to the Minister Maroni, interior, the Police respond to the Minister of Defence, Russia and depend on the government and nothing else, so if the judge says indagatemi a bit 'on that financial transaction on the tax fraud, they say, no, must do what the government says, the judicial police officers, think a bit 'when it comes to investigate a boy beaten up in custody or during an event, it is useless cases we make the names, we know them all, there are more and more!
When the Judicial Police must investigate itself, unless there is a specific order of the Magistrate, with the cabbage that I'm going to investigate my colleague or my manager, if I have an order of the Magistrate I do and are protected by that order, why? Why he asked me, but I do not have the order of the Magistrate and this is my initiative to investigate one of my top, I do not, why? Why do I break the career, they send me to investigate the sheep in Sardinia or in Aspromonte! Do you understand the logic of separate careers, and then the strip the flesh off the autonomous powers that guarantee autonomy of the Magistrate, PM, and then rights and fairness to the citizens.
The CSM, of course, separating the PM by the courts as a career also separate the CSM, one will be for the PM and one will be for the judges, so meanwhile, split a single body, it split into two bodies, which will contain a lot less, naturally Why? Because they are less people and that attention will no longer be made as stated in the current Constitution for the 2 / 3 of magistrates and for 1 / 3 to be elected by Parliament, but if there is good will be fifty-fifty half elected by Parliament and half of the magistrates, if we go wrong will go wrong and I think there is a Murphy's Law, with this political class, may be worse if we go to 1 / 3 the CSM will consist of judges and 2 / 3 by politicians and call it self-governing body of the magistracy, a self-governing body that actually has a majority of politicians , imagine what becomes the CSM, not an organ of self-assurance and the Judiciary, but a firing squad to punish the judges, who? Those unable to, those loafers? Those lazy? Those corrupt? Those collude? No, those will be promoted, the good ones will be punished, efficient, and in recent years, the CSM has betrayed its duty to defend the honest judges (see Forleo, De Magistris, magistrates, Nuzi, and Apicella Verasani of Salerno who had dared to the nose in some shrines) and even betrayed by a majority of judges is still, when they imagine what most politicians fail to do, probably will even conquer the prosecutors in Milan and Palermo for the moment have not yet succeeded despite attempts to dismantle.
The purpose of separation of powers
The CSM course will not be able to express opinions on laws that relate a shame the judiciary, can do so only when I asked the minister and the minister knows that as a CSM worthy of the name, not can do horrendous negative opinions on laws, not to seek the views CSM and so there is not even that glimmer Regulatory control on justice.
And then hold on tight because there is an excessive fat from the Minister of Justice, Alfano gives a little 'more powers, and of course many more powers in them gives the Minister, then Minister for Justice will have enormous powers interference on the autonomy and independence of the judiciary, the Attorney General will report annually to the Houses on the state of justice, concerning the prosecution and the use of means of investigation, you think the Minister of Justice, a political party the majority, it is every year the Oireachtas and report back on how justice should be, how is to prosecute, on whom the PM had asked to prosecute and who not to and use of methods of investigation, will stick their nose if the Magistrate has used wiretaps, he used the stalking, bugs, this that other methods of investigation, if he does not like an investigation, if he does not like someone who investigates the report to the Minister and Parliament to end what it does? Vote the report of the Minister, is put to a vote in Parliament prosecution by public prosecutors, Parliament must approve or disapprove annually the investigation of the judiciary, think that abortion, abomination, monstrous, where does finish the separation of powers, Parliament votes on the activities of the Judiciary, today could not do, why? Because prosecutors could raise a conflict of powers between the branches of government, as the prosecution should not respond to others, if not the law, let alone to Parliament, the majority or the government attorney in the future will no longer be a power of was therefore no longer be able to raise the conflict before the Constitutional Court against these abominations, imagine how the Judge will feel intimidated by the prospect that its inquiry should be publicly denounced and rejected by the parliamentary majority, having plus behind the CSM that the protection, but a firing squad that can shot at the back, by a majority of politicians, and judges who make inquiries about the power uncomfortable if they do not find it anymore, except the suicide bombers, would-be suicides.
The Minister of Justice then becomes a figure who may submit proposals and requests to the CSM, and even attend meetings of the CSM is proposed, contributes to the training of judges and PM, I'll teach him to courts and judges the job of PM, teaches him the Minister by appropriate teachers, you can imagine, imagine Alfano, Castelli, Mastella, Biondi, Mancuso, the various Ministers we have had in recent years, a most indecent of the other, when you think can help to train new judges, training that will pull out!
Last two points: Sheehan returns to the law unconstitutional, the one that abolished the PM's call, you know that in 2005, Berlusconi fear of losing their appeals process, did abolish the appeal by his lawyer that the lawyer Pecorella that the President of the Judiciary Committee, it was determined that, if you are acquitted or prescribed in the first degree and PM calls he can not do more, so you the first time you got on well, go home for good and quiet blessed, but if he is sentenced at first instance, then you can appeal and if you lose your job and you condemn on appeal, you can appeal to the Supreme Court, but the PM can not to appeal against the acquittals and the instructions and then speak of equality of arms between prosecution and defense in criminal trials is unconstitutional this crap, the Court has failed, has also riconsentito PM, not only to the accused to appeal and now put it in the Constitution, a provision has already been declared unconstitutional by the Court. Finally
also includes the participation of people in the administration of justice, how? With the appointment of honorary judges elected to the functions of PM, there would be a bit 'of PM elected by the people, think how wonderful, you make the election campaigns for the election of the PM, the League will have its candidate, the PDL will have the its candidate, the PD will its candidate, Di Pietro will have its candidate, the radical Left, the UDC will have its candidate, who knows if they can find a candidate clean record, think how wonderful, election campaigns for the election of the PM, who will then never investigated by an elected PM at altitude League, Di Pietro share, net to the PDL, PD-altitude, high altitude UDC, think what a mess, think of an immigrant who is on trial on the counter a prosecution in a PM elected in Bergamo list of PM leaguers, must feel safe as you think, think if you do not have the right to ask the legitimate suspicion and transferring to another seat. This
to tell you the seriousness of what's happening, I do not think I have noticed great indignation in circulation, but then this is a country accustomed to all this crap that passes for justice reform.
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The truth of the minor
Ruby was heard "a dozen times" in recent months. Tales from long, complex, full of details but also corrections and inaccuracies, nights out, partying, sex-based meetings with important people and power in exchange for gifts, jewelry, appeared on television.
plans with the hopes and promises of a girl under age and foreign-image that has only one goal: to arrive. Stories have already been verified in part, denied in part. All plausible and possible in a world where the body, especially if young and handsome, is the only altar at which all is said and from which everything follows.
The investigation that is taking Knight to sleep, and not just him based on what transpires in court circles in Milan, is an issue on which the Prosecutor Edmondo Bruti Liberati has reduced the total silence.
least since May when you can place the beginning of the story is the protagonist in Ruby, the name of art of this flashy, always well dressed and full of jewels Moroccan minors living in Italy for years.
Claudia Fusani and Joseph Vespa
Ruby was heard "a dozen times" in recent months. Tales from long, complex, full of details but also corrections and inaccuracies, nights out, partying, sex-based meetings with important people and power in exchange for gifts, jewelry, appeared on television.
plans with the hopes and promises of a girl under age and foreign-image that has only one goal: to arrive. Stories have already been verified in part, denied in part. All plausible and possible in a world where the body, especially if young and handsome, is the only altar at which all is said and from which everything follows.
The investigation that is taking Knight to sleep, and not just him based on what transpires in court circles in Milan, is an issue on which the Prosecutor Edmondo Bruti Liberati has reduced the total silence.
least since May when you can place the beginning of the story is the protagonist in Ruby, the name of art of this flashy, always well dressed and full of jewels Moroccan minors living in Italy for years.
Claudia Fusani and Joseph Vespa
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
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Ruby Licensed another Fiat workers in Termoli
The new dismissal of a workers' union about the clash again Fiat company in Turin. John Musacchio, the Cobas Slai of Campobasso, had attended a rally in Pomigliano, in the referendum, while he was on leave for family reasons. In one week, the fired five, including three delegates Fiom, which opened a two-hour strike Friday '23. Today, meanwhile, eight-hour strike called by the Fiom at Termini Imerese.
A worker of Fiat Power Train of Termoli, the provincial coordination of the Cobas Slai of Campobasso, was fired yesterday by the company for having participated in the protest outside the Giambattista Vico of the Pomigliano d'Arco On 22 June, in the referendum at the factory. It 'as said Vittorio Granillo, coordination of trade union base.
Granillo announced legal action in defense of the worker, John Musacchio, arguing that "Fiat, unable to get consensus, go to the repression of workers and trade unionists."
"We have seen in recent days to strong actions by the company - said Granillo - who initially dismissed the delegates Fiom in Melfi and now the representative of Cobas Slai.
As announced by Granillo, the worker had visited the factory in Termoli for the second stage of labor: "But they did not come and have announced the dismissal at the gates, predicting his next letter home. According to what they said John had granted a permit to care for her daughter. A permit, however, that 'ended at 14, and it was then that our representative has met the other delegates arrived in Termoli Pomigliano d'Arco ".
Five workers laid off in a week
With that now in Termoli, rising to five workers made redundant by Fiat in a week: a case at Mirafiori and three at Melfi were recorded Tuesday 'and Wednesday. Among them, there are three delegates Fiom and now a co-ordination of Slai Cobas. On 13 July, the Fiat had fired a delegate of the Fiom Mirafiori 'cause he would use the corporate e-mail to distribute a leaflet in which the Polish workers of the factory in Tychy expressed solidarity with our colleagues at Pomigliano d'Arc on the eve of the referendum on June 22. The next day, July 14, three other workers in the assembly department of the plant in Melfi (Potenza) were fired from, after they had already been suspended for allegedly blocking a robotic cart, during a rally inside, preventing the supply of production.
Source: Rainews24.it

A worker of Fiat Power Train of Termoli, the provincial coordination of the Cobas Slai of Campobasso, was fired yesterday by the company for having participated in the protest outside the Giambattista Vico of the Pomigliano d'Arco On 22 June, in the referendum at the factory. It 'as said Vittorio Granillo, coordination of trade union base.
Granillo announced legal action in defense of the worker, John Musacchio, arguing that "Fiat, unable to get consensus, go to the repression of workers and trade unionists."
"We have seen in recent days to strong actions by the company - said Granillo - who initially dismissed the delegates Fiom in Melfi and now the representative of Cobas Slai.
As announced by Granillo, the worker had visited the factory in Termoli for the second stage of labor: "But they did not come and have announced the dismissal at the gates, predicting his next letter home. According to what they said John had granted a permit to care for her daughter. A permit, however, that 'ended at 14, and it was then that our representative has met the other delegates arrived in Termoli Pomigliano d'Arco ".
Five workers laid off in a week
With that now in Termoli, rising to five workers made redundant by Fiat in a week: a case at Mirafiori and three at Melfi were recorded Tuesday 'and Wednesday. Among them, there are three delegates Fiom and now a co-ordination of Slai Cobas. On 13 July, the Fiat had fired a delegate of the Fiom Mirafiori 'cause he would use the corporate e-mail to distribute a leaflet in which the Polish workers of the factory in Tychy expressed solidarity with our colleagues at Pomigliano d'Arc on the eve of the referendum on June 22. The next day, July 14, three other workers in the assembly department of the plant in Melfi (Potenza) were fired from, after they had already been suspended for allegedly blocking a robotic cart, during a rally inside, preventing the supply of production.
Source: Rainews24.it
Qcarbo With Eliminex Review
Michele Novaro and the national anthem
How many important figures of our century, Michele Novaro has remained somewhat in the shadows despite his great artistic ability and I think is right to remember and honor him in some way for the Italian anthem that too often has been associated exclusively Mameli and not both.
was born October 23, 1818 in Genoa. He spent his life studying composition and singing, but in spite of continual wars and disease, very dangerous for the time, had a long and peaceful life that he spent composing a bit 'music: Novaro prevail in the collection of hymns and patriotic songs .
In 1847 he moved briefly to Turin to work with a contract for the second tenor and chorus master of the Teatro Regio and Carignan. Convinced liberal, he offered to the cause of his compositional talent, putting in music and organizing dozens of patriotic songs events for raising funds for companies Garibaldi.
a modest nature, derived no benefit from his most famous hymn, even after unification.
returned to Genoa between 1864 and 1865 he established a People's Choir School, which would dedicate all his efforts. He died poor, October 21, 1885, and the glimpse of his life was marked by financial difficulties and health problems. His body was deposited in a tomb in the Monumental Cemetery Staglieno, near the tomb of Giuseppe Mazzini, by choice of his former students. His compositions were mainly made to recover funds to offer, for their strong liberal ideas. It was also the author of the music of a poem in form hymn of the poet Joseph Bertoldi Piedmont. Novaro's life was very simple.
How many important figures of our century, Michele Novaro has remained somewhat in the shadows despite his great artistic ability and I think is right to remember and honor him in some way for the Italian anthem that too often has been associated exclusively Mameli and not both.
was born October 23, 1818 in Genoa. He spent his life studying composition and singing, but in spite of continual wars and disease, very dangerous for the time, had a long and peaceful life that he spent composing a bit 'music: Novaro prevail in the collection of hymns and patriotic songs .
In 1847 he moved briefly to Turin to work with a contract for the second tenor and chorus master of the Teatro Regio and Carignan. Convinced liberal, he offered to the cause of his compositional talent, putting in music and organizing dozens of patriotic songs events for raising funds for companies Garibaldi.
a modest nature, derived no benefit from his most famous hymn, even after unification.
returned to Genoa between 1864 and 1865 he established a People's Choir School, which would dedicate all his efforts. He died poor, October 21, 1885, and the glimpse of his life was marked by financial difficulties and health problems. His body was deposited in a tomb in the Monumental Cemetery Staglieno, near the tomb of Giuseppe Mazzini, by choice of his former students. His compositions were mainly made to recover funds to offer, for their strong liberal ideas. It was also the author of the music of a poem in form hymn of the poet Joseph Bertoldi Piedmont. Novaro's life was very simple.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
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Water common good to the Supreme Court delivered one million and 400 thousand signatures. E 'record
Monday, July 19, 2010, the Organizing Committee of the Referendum for the public water supply more than one million and four hundred thousand signatures in the Court of Cassation.
a result that marks an important step in the history of democracy and participation in this country. No referendum in the history of the Republic has collected so many signatures.
The challenge in front of the organizing committee is to bring at least 25 million Italians to vote on three "yes" next spring, when referendum will be held on against the privatization of water services. One result is that today, in light of the "democratic revival" which has seen months of collecting signatures, there seems to be reached.
Now we ask the government to enact a law that has custody of the moratorium for water services provided by the Ronchi Decree at least until the date of the referendum. We also ask local governments to not pursue the limits prescribed by the Ronchi Decree. One million four hundred thousand signatures and represent a de-legitimization of any tense choice to apply the decree, all the more reason to anticipate even the very authorities who want deadlines.
The next meeting of the people is water on 18 and 19 September when, probably in Florence, will host the Assembly of Movements for the water.
Source: Acquabenecomune.org
Monday, July 19, 2010, the Organizing Committee of the Referendum for the public water supply more than one million and four hundred thousand signatures in the Court of Cassation.
a result that marks an important step in the history of democracy and participation in this country. No referendum in the history of the Republic has collected so many signatures.
The challenge in front of the organizing committee is to bring at least 25 million Italians to vote on three "yes" next spring, when referendum will be held on against the privatization of water services. One result is that today, in light of the "democratic revival" which has seen months of collecting signatures, there seems to be reached.
Now we ask the government to enact a law that has custody of the moratorium for water services provided by the Ronchi Decree at least until the date of the referendum. We also ask local governments to not pursue the limits prescribed by the Ronchi Decree. One million four hundred thousand signatures and represent a de-legitimization of any tense choice to apply the decree, all the more reason to anticipate even the very authorities who want deadlines.
The next meeting of the people is water on 18 and 19 September when, probably in Florence, will host the Assembly of Movements for the water.
Source: Acquabenecomune.org
Monday, July 19, 2010
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Mountains of poisons in Crotone
MILAN - called 'Black Mountain', black mountains of the poisons of Crotone. On the site of the new industrial area of \u200b\u200bwarehouses Pertusola hours remain empty and crumbling, chimneys and thousands of tons of toxic waste. Was to become the Stalingrad of the South, but in the '80s the economic crisis and the lack of infrastructure that affects this part of southern extreme, decreed bankruptcy. Vanguard Wednesday, July 21 Italy (21.10 to Current, Sky channel 130), for the last episode of the season, returns to the abandoned cathedral in search of signs of an unprecedented ecological disaster. "For seventy years - Travierso says Frank, a journalist who for years following the record Pertusola - and still today, these industries have continued to download into the ground, sea and ground water of chemical residues left in tangible slag heaps of toxic waste tens of meters high, which for decades have characterized the views of the Ionian city. " These accumulations of dark dust and toxic substance, the 'black mountains', have disappeared. According to the indictment were recycled to construct squares, schools and homes. A total of at least 18 sites, finished in 2008, seized on the orders that the prosecutor investigating the affair since 1999. Meanwhile, rumors filtered from medical sull'impennata tumor incidence, especially among children.
THE RECLAMATION - By law, the requirement is for the reclamation Syndial, a subsidiary of Eni, owns the establishment of Pertusola, which by 2011 should demolish all structures and then initiate the reclamation of land from 2013. The engineers and lawyers Syndial say that the reclamation is sustainable with 300 million euro. "Figures ridiculous," snapped Silvio Greek speaking on Current. World-renowned researcher and marine biologist and director dell'Ictram (Central Institute for Scientific and Technological applied to the sea) Greek has always worked in Crotone and when in August 2008 has become the City Councillor for the Environment has immediately picked up the dossier of poisons. Now that his term has expired continues to report, "Waste management is in the hands of the 'Ndrangheta, no doubt. The reclamation plan submitted by the experts Eni is of little technical level. Three hundred million euro are only sufficient for an operation of imaquillage. Meanwhile Syndial has already announced that it will be a civil party in the process, trying to shift responsibility to local leaders.
Source: Corriere.it
MILAN - called 'Black Mountain', black mountains of the poisons of Crotone. On the site of the new industrial area of \u200b\u200bwarehouses Pertusola hours remain empty and crumbling, chimneys and thousands of tons of toxic waste. Was to become the Stalingrad of the South, but in the '80s the economic crisis and the lack of infrastructure that affects this part of southern extreme, decreed bankruptcy. Vanguard Wednesday, July 21 Italy (21.10 to Current, Sky channel 130), for the last episode of the season, returns to the abandoned cathedral in search of signs of an unprecedented ecological disaster. "For seventy years - Travierso says Frank, a journalist who for years following the record Pertusola - and still today, these industries have continued to download into the ground, sea and ground water of chemical residues left in tangible slag heaps of toxic waste tens of meters high, which for decades have characterized the views of the Ionian city. " These accumulations of dark dust and toxic substance, the 'black mountains', have disappeared. According to the indictment were recycled to construct squares, schools and homes. A total of at least 18 sites, finished in 2008, seized on the orders that the prosecutor investigating the affair since 1999. Meanwhile, rumors filtered from medical sull'impennata tumor incidence, especially among children.
THE RECLAMATION - By law, the requirement is for the reclamation Syndial, a subsidiary of Eni, owns the establishment of Pertusola, which by 2011 should demolish all structures and then initiate the reclamation of land from 2013. The engineers and lawyers Syndial say that the reclamation is sustainable with 300 million euro. "Figures ridiculous," snapped Silvio Greek speaking on Current. World-renowned researcher and marine biologist and director dell'Ictram (Central Institute for Scientific and Technological applied to the sea) Greek has always worked in Crotone and when in August 2008 has become the City Councillor for the Environment has immediately picked up the dossier of poisons. Now that his term has expired continues to report, "Waste management is in the hands of the 'Ndrangheta, no doubt. The reclamation plan submitted by the experts Eni is of little technical level. Three hundred million euro are only sufficient for an operation of imaquillage. Meanwhile Syndial has already announced that it will be a civil party in the process, trying to shift responsibility to local leaders.
Source: Corriere.it
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The Mafia in all policy restroscena and characters such as Julius Caesar Emperor Berlusconi
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prescribed or convicted but still revered. The three "Italian senators'
are three parallel stories, what he says today in broad terms. Three stories that courts have made the news, scandal and, in a certain profile, even age. Three stories from the world of ill-digested information, especially that on television, but utterly unpalatable to the political world, seen by many as an entity separate from the company, and self-stellar distance. Tell the stories of three Italian senators.
Three senators who share the same fate, by the same judicial vicissitudes, from the same spot. With a single black wire and disturbing: the Mafia and Sicily. Because those three Italian senators, three stories, is told from the beginning, children of criminogenic same way of understanding politics. How to summarize? That way, we might say, that is to sell its soul to the devil just to get votes and consensus and power customers. And to practice a policy of such alloy, the Mafia and Sicily (when they become, in a deadly, complementary to each other, does not happen often) are the ideal habitat, it has been proven since the time of the Unification of Italy . The three senators
Italian, respond to the names of Giulio Andreotti, Totò Cuffaro, Marcello Dell'Utri. Not us, driven by fury executioner, a bundled into a single beam. They are the ones with the conduct required to compose a "species" Parliamentary sui generis: that of the senators that, once convicted, they used the Senate as the turtles use the armor, to hide his head. It is said that if a principle is violated for the first time, we are already laid the foundations for it to be broken forever. But there were few, fifteen years ago, to realize that the paradox of Giulio Andreotti - seven times prime minister, minister repeatedly, among Italian politicians most popular and revered abroad - that he found himself charged for external with the Mafia, would have caused ripples in the coming years, a permanent tear, a point of no easy return. Andreotti was accused
to have moved into the land of Sicily, for correntizi and electioneering in a confident way, riding the gray area above which begins the territories of the People of the Mafia. They accused him almost forty sorry. Emerged, with unequivocal evidence and photographs, his relations with the cousins \u200b\u200bNino and Ignazio Salvo, originating in Salemi, Democrats, men of honor and heads of those tax collectors who, many years ago, were on the island, the ' Most industry turnover. He was accused of having met the mafia's most prominent leaders in the late 70's, in a desperate attempt to put a good word in favor of Piersanti Mattarella, Democrat and chairman of the Sicilian Region, which led the fight in a strict system of power of the clans.
And having met with them again, always in secret, to get an explanation why, despite his initial interest, as they had decided to assassinate Mattarella like a dog. And much, much more. It is not intended here, redo those processes. This is just to remember, at least in outline. At first instance, Andreotti was acquitted for "lack of evidence," while, on appeal, the offense, from 1980 onwards, it was "prescribed". The senator's defense team appealed to the Supreme Court asking for the full rehabilitation. The Supreme Court rejected the request. Confirmed the sentence of the second degree and formula of the "prescription", condemning the accused Giulio Andreotti to pay court costs. Meanwhile, the drama took place, high politics and much of the media put on the grill the prosecutor of Palermo, at the time led by Gian Carlo Caselli, for daring to bring to the bar, "the politician that the world envy. "
was a decade of poisons and meanness, of reversal of the facts and bludgeoned media against those who dared to point out that if the law is equal for all, must be equal for Giulio Andreotti. The fact is that the verdict of the Supreme Court was literally ignored by the mainstream press and great TV. The good news, after the second sentence degree, had already been around the world, "Andreotti acquitted." And there was no way to clip the wings of legend.
Then, it was the turn of Totò Cuffaro, the governor of Sicily: relationships with the mafia of the village of Brancaccio, the waltz of the so-called "moles" (policemen, police officials) reported that confidential information is to be a Cuffaro Provenzano, meetings by Michele Aiello, ras private health in Sicily, with whom he met Cuffaro amiably together to decide the price list of benefits promptly reimbursed by the State. And the Sicilian soaring health costs two to three times compared to other Italian regions (when you say the utility interceptions and Berlusconi's tale that all Italians are bugged). As Andreotti, proverbial for its bars, lounges and terraces sought in Romans (and we are not referring to the Parisian salons of the Enlightenment), in due proportion, even Totò Cuffaro was sympathetic to most. Everyone called him "Vasa Vasa", defiantly wore the "hat", with fresh ricotta cannoli offered to journalists who shared the pain.
At first instance, was sentenced to five years for aiding and simple, and on appeal to seven, but this time it led to Cosa Nostra. Even for him, Palazzo Madama, a lot of understanding, a lot of solidarity, many affectionate pats on the back. With the big names of his party who called him "a victim of political persecution." Finally, in order of time, the list of three senators to the Italian, Marcello Dell'Utri, co-founder of Forza Italy, today PDL. It is the story of those days. Convicted for collusion with the mafia, nine and seven years in prison. For the love of God, we know very well that Cuffaro and Dell'Utri on the Supreme Court has yet to have its say. But, more immediately, the catalog is what we have just described. The three are seated on chairs with red velvet. And they are serene in their place. Pull the strings of what remains of their currents. In large or small, are politics. The trio is well distributed among the high-sounding names senatorial committees. In their way, run the country. If necessary, go on television, making statements to the press. Work towards the blue car. In Italy, an opportunity is not denied to anyone. Or, to quote an adage that is lost in the mists of time, "Dog does not eat dog."
Source: The Unit
are three parallel stories, what he says today in broad terms. Three stories that courts have made the news, scandal and, in a certain profile, even age. Three stories from the world of ill-digested information, especially that on television, but utterly unpalatable to the political world, seen by many as an entity separate from the company, and self-stellar distance. Tell the stories of three Italian senators.
Three senators who share the same fate, by the same judicial vicissitudes, from the same spot. With a single black wire and disturbing: the Mafia and Sicily. Because those three Italian senators, three stories, is told from the beginning, children of criminogenic same way of understanding politics. How to summarize? That way, we might say, that is to sell its soul to the devil just to get votes and consensus and power customers. And to practice a policy of such alloy, the Mafia and Sicily (when they become, in a deadly, complementary to each other, does not happen often) are the ideal habitat, it has been proven since the time of the Unification of Italy . The three senators
Italian, respond to the names of Giulio Andreotti, Totò Cuffaro, Marcello Dell'Utri. Not us, driven by fury executioner, a bundled into a single beam. They are the ones with the conduct required to compose a "species" Parliamentary sui generis: that of the senators that, once convicted, they used the Senate as the turtles use the armor, to hide his head. It is said that if a principle is violated for the first time, we are already laid the foundations for it to be broken forever. But there were few, fifteen years ago, to realize that the paradox of Giulio Andreotti - seven times prime minister, minister repeatedly, among Italian politicians most popular and revered abroad - that he found himself charged for external with the Mafia, would have caused ripples in the coming years, a permanent tear, a point of no easy return. Andreotti was accused
to have moved into the land of Sicily, for correntizi and electioneering in a confident way, riding the gray area above which begins the territories of the People of the Mafia. They accused him almost forty sorry. Emerged, with unequivocal evidence and photographs, his relations with the cousins \u200b\u200bNino and Ignazio Salvo, originating in Salemi, Democrats, men of honor and heads of those tax collectors who, many years ago, were on the island, the ' Most industry turnover. He was accused of having met the mafia's most prominent leaders in the late 70's, in a desperate attempt to put a good word in favor of Piersanti Mattarella, Democrat and chairman of the Sicilian Region, which led the fight in a strict system of power of the clans.
And having met with them again, always in secret, to get an explanation why, despite his initial interest, as they had decided to assassinate Mattarella like a dog. And much, much more. It is not intended here, redo those processes. This is just to remember, at least in outline. At first instance, Andreotti was acquitted for "lack of evidence," while, on appeal, the offense, from 1980 onwards, it was "prescribed". The senator's defense team appealed to the Supreme Court asking for the full rehabilitation. The Supreme Court rejected the request. Confirmed the sentence of the second degree and formula of the "prescription", condemning the accused Giulio Andreotti to pay court costs. Meanwhile, the drama took place, high politics and much of the media put on the grill the prosecutor of Palermo, at the time led by Gian Carlo Caselli, for daring to bring to the bar, "the politician that the world envy. "
was a decade of poisons and meanness, of reversal of the facts and bludgeoned media against those who dared to point out that if the law is equal for all, must be equal for Giulio Andreotti. The fact is that the verdict of the Supreme Court was literally ignored by the mainstream press and great TV. The good news, after the second sentence degree, had already been around the world, "Andreotti acquitted." And there was no way to clip the wings of legend.
Then, it was the turn of Totò Cuffaro, the governor of Sicily: relationships with the mafia of the village of Brancaccio, the waltz of the so-called "moles" (policemen, police officials) reported that confidential information is to be a Cuffaro Provenzano, meetings by Michele Aiello, ras private health in Sicily, with whom he met Cuffaro amiably together to decide the price list of benefits promptly reimbursed by the State. And the Sicilian soaring health costs two to three times compared to other Italian regions (when you say the utility interceptions and Berlusconi's tale that all Italians are bugged). As Andreotti, proverbial for its bars, lounges and terraces sought in Romans (and we are not referring to the Parisian salons of the Enlightenment), in due proportion, even Totò Cuffaro was sympathetic to most. Everyone called him "Vasa Vasa", defiantly wore the "hat", with fresh ricotta cannoli offered to journalists who shared the pain.
At first instance, was sentenced to five years for aiding and simple, and on appeal to seven, but this time it led to Cosa Nostra. Even for him, Palazzo Madama, a lot of understanding, a lot of solidarity, many affectionate pats on the back. With the big names of his party who called him "a victim of political persecution." Finally, in order of time, the list of three senators to the Italian, Marcello Dell'Utri, co-founder of Forza Italy, today PDL. It is the story of those days. Convicted for collusion with the mafia, nine and seven years in prison. For the love of God, we know very well that Cuffaro and Dell'Utri on the Supreme Court has yet to have its say. But, more immediately, the catalog is what we have just described. The three are seated on chairs with red velvet. And they are serene in their place. Pull the strings of what remains of their currents. In large or small, are politics. The trio is well distributed among the high-sounding names senatorial committees. In their way, run the country. If necessary, go on television, making statements to the press. Work towards the blue car. In Italy, an opportunity is not denied to anyone. Or, to quote an adage that is lost in the mists of time, "Dog does not eat dog."
Source: The Unit
People Geting Weggies Coloring
Palermo, Gozzo PM:" Some friends of Borsellino know the truth "
a hundred people participating in the march organized on the eve of the anniversary of the massacre in via D'Amelio, the "People of the Red Diary", the movement which is headed by Salvatore Borsellino brother of the murdered judge along with the stock 18 years ago. "We are coming to a turning point in the investigation - said Salvatore Borsellino - And now, more than ever, we must be careful that the doors that still separate us from the truth, there are closed in the face for the umpteenth time, "
" Tell us where the red diary of Paul, tell us who the 'He took it, because that agenda is based on the reasons for the great crimes of '92 who now govern our Republic, "said Salvatore Borsellino. "Then said the brother-of-court shot that is necessary for this are investigated." "We concluded-because-we will fight those laws are not adopted that attempt to block the work of judges. If this House was run by organized crime would not have been very different. " And referring to magistrates investigating via D'Amelio added, "That way you have said it would take not cover it alone, we are always at your side." "Sure-continued-we can not protect you physically as those angels who were close to Paul but we will do with our heat and our support."
"There are lots of those who know, in whole or in part, what lies behind the killings. An army of people who do not speak, "said the new Attorney General Roberto Scarpinato Caltanissetta. "There's a seal who arrives at the mouths of all-told the magistrate-mouths are sewn because the lesson of history shows that there is no salvation physical until the power he has ordered and covered up the killings remains in the saddle. A power strong enough to reach you in any jail, so strong that it can influence the police or investigating certain magistrates. " In fact, "just remember that all connoisseurs of external sponsors of the massacre of Portella della Ginestra were murdered," added the attorney general.
"Compared to last year we have more questions, but also less sure, this year has not gone in vain," said Palermo prosecutor Antonio Ingroia. "There have been important and decisive steps be taken to get to the truth about the massacre in via D'Amelio. But we must not stop. Next year does not we find ourselves at the same point.
We have passed the hall of truth to reach at least the first room of the house of truth that gradually we will fully illuminated. This requires the commitment and drive of all. " Unfortunately, "a piece of Italy, not just mafia, but also the institutions, this truth does not want it, so it is difficult to reach," he added Ingroia.
singing together "Hello Beautiful" with the inevitable red diary in hand, participants in the march of the "Red Diary", came after two hours of travel to Castel Utveggio on Montepellegrino in Palermo. A map, populated mainly by non Palermo. Present at the parade's father Vincent Agostino agent killed 89 and the murder which has not been done yet light. The parade started from and via D'Amelio arrived at Castel Utveggio that, according to certain claims investigation, would host a private home SISDE. In recent months, even after the declarations of repentance Gaspare Spatuzza, investigators are focusing their attention on secret service men who might be involved in that took the life nell'eccidio Paolo Borsellino.
Source: The Unit
a hundred people participating in the march organized on the eve of the anniversary of the massacre in via D'Amelio, the "People of the Red Diary", the movement which is headed by Salvatore Borsellino brother of the murdered judge along with the stock 18 years ago. "We are coming to a turning point in the investigation - said Salvatore Borsellino - And now, more than ever, we must be careful that the doors that still separate us from the truth, there are closed in the face for the umpteenth time, "
" Tell us where the red diary of Paul, tell us who the 'He took it, because that agenda is based on the reasons for the great crimes of '92 who now govern our Republic, "said Salvatore Borsellino. "Then said the brother-of-court shot that is necessary for this are investigated." "We concluded-because-we will fight those laws are not adopted that attempt to block the work of judges. If this House was run by organized crime would not have been very different. " And referring to magistrates investigating via D'Amelio added, "That way you have said it would take not cover it alone, we are always at your side." "Sure-continued-we can not protect you physically as those angels who were close to Paul but we will do with our heat and our support."
"There are lots of those who know, in whole or in part, what lies behind the killings. An army of people who do not speak, "said the new Attorney General Roberto Scarpinato Caltanissetta. "There's a seal who arrives at the mouths of all-told the magistrate-mouths are sewn because the lesson of history shows that there is no salvation physical until the power he has ordered and covered up the killings remains in the saddle. A power strong enough to reach you in any jail, so strong that it can influence the police or investigating certain magistrates. " In fact, "just remember that all connoisseurs of external sponsors of the massacre of Portella della Ginestra were murdered," added the attorney general.
"Compared to last year we have more questions, but also less sure, this year has not gone in vain," said Palermo prosecutor Antonio Ingroia. "There have been important and decisive steps be taken to get to the truth about the massacre in via D'Amelio. But we must not stop. Next year does not we find ourselves at the same point.
We have passed the hall of truth to reach at least the first room of the house of truth that gradually we will fully illuminated. This requires the commitment and drive of all. " Unfortunately, "a piece of Italy, not just mafia, but also the institutions, this truth does not want it, so it is difficult to reach," he added Ingroia.
singing together "Hello Beautiful" with the inevitable red diary in hand, participants in the march of the "Red Diary", came after two hours of travel to Castel Utveggio on Montepellegrino in Palermo. A map, populated mainly by non Palermo. Present at the parade's father Vincent Agostino agent killed 89 and the murder which has not been done yet light. The parade started from and via D'Amelio arrived at Castel Utveggio that, according to certain claims investigation, would host a private home SISDE. In recent months, even after the declarations of repentance Gaspare Spatuzza, investigators are focusing their attention on secret service men who might be involved in that took the life nell'eccidio Paolo Borsellino.
Source: The Unit
Friday, July 16, 2010
Dora The Explorer Teaches French
And the" new P2 "Berlusconi called" Caesar "The big central
As the emperor as the group Verdini, Cosentino and Dell'Utri called the premier. It would be "happy" to the pressure on Look for the Alfano
Caesar. As the emperor. So with that nickname, the "new P2" referred to the Prime Minister. To write the Police are one of the informative investigation of the Prosecutor of Rome on the alleged conspiracy occult boundaries for which the recruiter has been arrested and businessman Flavio Carboni. The dossier of February 24, 2010. In this paper, nicknamed "Caesar" is used repeatedly by the suspects. It might be a bragging, a way to accreditation. The investigators on this point maintain the strictest confidentiality. However, among the intercepted phone calls, there is one of 2 October 2009 in which the court tax ended up in prison, Pasquale Lombardi, told Nicola Cosentino "that next week - write the investigators - is scheduled to meet this" Caesar "that the same would have been happy for what they are doing to the issue for October 6 Lodo Alfano" . If Berlusconi were really Caesar, therefore, would have been aware of the moves of the P3 to influence the judges of the consultation on the review Lodo Alfano (later also rejected).
"My cousin," "My nephew"
"My cousin Caesar wants to know," said Archie Martin September 30, 2009. "My nephew Caesar," almost adds Lombardi. The two, according to the indictment, they wanted manipulate the proceedings of the Council for a decision on the Lodo Alfano. When the verdict approaches, the carbonate groups are elated. On September 25, Arcangelo Martino says Carbon: "Tell him to Caesar." On the 2nd October 2009 - write the police - "at 19:40 the Lombardi called Mr Nicholas Cosentino. During the conversation, of particular importance for the framing of the story, the interlocutor Lombardi refers the course of the meeting had the previous day with "our friend Marcello" (Dell'Utri) and Denis (Verdini) to which he and Martin would "show the teeth" ... tutt'appost! Tutt'appost uaglio '! Have to do cu 'mme or co cu .. my friend Martin (inc.) showed air attract the ingredient to de ... Denis, me look', of ... I was right and his friend says our Marcellus, and 'leaders'? ". And
prize in the nomination of Cosentino Bell
The Lombardi - continue investigators - "reports that next week would meet this" Caesar "that the same would have been happy for what they are silent on the issue Lodo Alfano (for 6). Lombardi added that Martin was at the meeting said that in exchange for the work they should be given a prize and that prize is represented by Cosentino that "he is happy for what we are doing is right then the 6 and Chell 'Arcangelo said that he should give us something and we must give you and not tampering or adda' fuck 'in Italian. You think? ". "It is clear - it is stated in the information - which with these words, the Lombardi would have us understand that Cosentino to his candidacy for President of the Campania region has been by them (Martin-Lombardi) request at the meeting in return for the operation Lodo Alfano ".
Source: City
As the emperor as the group Verdini, Cosentino and Dell'Utri called the premier. It would be "happy" to the pressure on Look for the Alfano
Caesar. As the emperor. So with that nickname, the "new P2" referred to the Prime Minister. To write the Police are one of the informative investigation of the Prosecutor of Rome on the alleged conspiracy occult boundaries for which the recruiter has been arrested and businessman Flavio Carboni. The dossier of February 24, 2010. In this paper, nicknamed "Caesar" is used repeatedly by the suspects. It might be a bragging, a way to accreditation. The investigators on this point maintain the strictest confidentiality. However, among the intercepted phone calls, there is one of 2 October 2009 in which the court tax ended up in prison, Pasquale Lombardi, told Nicola Cosentino "that next week - write the investigators - is scheduled to meet this" Caesar "that the same would have been happy for what they are doing to the issue for October 6 Lodo Alfano" . If Berlusconi were really Caesar, therefore, would have been aware of the moves of the P3 to influence the judges of the consultation on the review Lodo Alfano (later also rejected).
"My cousin," "My nephew"
"My cousin Caesar wants to know," said Archie Martin September 30, 2009. "My nephew Caesar," almost adds Lombardi. The two, according to the indictment, they wanted manipulate the proceedings of the Council for a decision on the Lodo Alfano. When the verdict approaches, the carbonate groups are elated. On September 25, Arcangelo Martino says Carbon: "Tell him to Caesar." On the 2nd October 2009 - write the police - "at 19:40 the Lombardi called Mr Nicholas Cosentino. During the conversation, of particular importance for the framing of the story, the interlocutor Lombardi refers the course of the meeting had the previous day with "our friend Marcello" (Dell'Utri) and Denis (Verdini) to which he and Martin would "show the teeth" ... tutt'appost! Tutt'appost uaglio '! Have to do cu 'mme or co cu .. my friend Martin (inc.) showed air attract the ingredient to de ... Denis, me look', of ... I was right and his friend says our Marcellus, and 'leaders'? ". And
prize in the nomination of Cosentino Bell
The Lombardi - continue investigators - "reports that next week would meet this" Caesar "that the same would have been happy for what they are silent on the issue Lodo Alfano (for 6). Lombardi added that Martin was at the meeting said that in exchange for the work they should be given a prize and that prize is represented by Cosentino that "he is happy for what we are doing is right then the 6 and Chell 'Arcangelo said that he should give us something and we must give you and not tampering or adda' fuck 'in Italian. You think? ". "It is clear - it is stated in the information - which with these words, the Lombardi would have us understand that Cosentino to his candidacy for President of the Campania region has been by them (Martin-Lombardi) request at the meeting in return for the operation Lodo Alfano ".
Source: City
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Bionicle Vezon & Kardas For Sale
Energy from burning mirrors. First in the world that works at night. Meets 4 thousand families
Priolo (Siracusa) - Birth of the "farm the sun." Priolo A basin of Augusta, Melissa symbol of the industrial triangle of Syracuse and Europe's largest petrochemical complex, which sees the largest concentration of refineries, the game is to rescue the energy of the future: clean and renewable. Thursday, July 15 was opened a solar power plant in Priolo Gargallo thermodynamics 'Archimedes', before the world to use molten salt technology integrated with a combined cycle plant.
INCENTIVES FOR RENEWABLE ENERGY - A very important day, which also coincides with the announcement that the government has restored to maneuver the system of incentives for renewables, given by Environment Minister Stefania Prestigiacomo. Ten years after the intuition of Carlo Rubbia and then developed by researchers of 'Aeneas and subsequently industrialized Enel, it takes the body a project that was born in the wake of the energy crisis of the '80s led to the construction of several solar power plants, still function in the California desert, whose operation is characterized by the use of parabolic trough mirrors to concentrate and reflect sunlight onto pipes flowing with mineral oil (the oil is heated and channeled into a boiler where the water is transformed into high-pressure steam and drives turbines to produce electricity).
THE FARM OF THE SUN - But the new Central Priolo, "the farm of the sun", to quote the CEO Fulvio Conti of Enel, is unprecedented in the world, since it involves the use of molten salts (derived from fertilizer) as a heat transfer fluid and is also the first in the world to integrate a combined-cycle gas and solar thermal power plant for the production of electricity. Not only that. Archimedes' (whose name is also a tribute to the great physicist and mathematician who over 2,200 years ago with his "burning mirrors" the Roman ships on fire and saved from the siege enemy Syracuse) has a feature that makes it unique: it is able to collect and preserve for many hours, 5 km along its and through special tubes that run through 30 thousand square meters of parabolic trough mirrors, the heat of the sun to generate electricity at night or under overcast skies.
"The capacity of the plant, costing around 60 million, is 5 megawatts, with an operation of around 3 thousand hours per year. A level to meet the needs of 4 thousand families, "said Conti. However, acknowledges that "a higher cost per kilowatt-hour at least five or six times the energy produced by conventional fossil fuels." "In this case, however, a saving of 2,100 tonnes of oil per year and reducing carbon dioxide emissions for about 3250 tons. In short, as Conti says: "One more step to achieving a dream: to have abundant energy at low cost and above all sustainable."
Source: Corriere.it
Energy from burning mirrors. First in the world that works at night. Meets 4 thousand families
Priolo (Siracusa) - Birth of the "farm the sun." Priolo A basin of Augusta, Melissa symbol of the industrial triangle of Syracuse and Europe's largest petrochemical complex, which sees the largest concentration of refineries, the game is to rescue the energy of the future: clean and renewable. Thursday, July 15 was opened a solar power plant in Priolo Gargallo thermodynamics 'Archimedes', before the world to use molten salt technology integrated with a combined cycle plant.
INCENTIVES FOR RENEWABLE ENERGY - A very important day, which also coincides with the announcement that the government has restored to maneuver the system of incentives for renewables, given by Environment Minister Stefania Prestigiacomo. Ten years after the intuition of Carlo Rubbia and then developed by researchers of 'Aeneas and subsequently industrialized Enel, it takes the body a project that was born in the wake of the energy crisis of the '80s led to the construction of several solar power plants, still function in the California desert, whose operation is characterized by the use of parabolic trough mirrors to concentrate and reflect sunlight onto pipes flowing with mineral oil (the oil is heated and channeled into a boiler where the water is transformed into high-pressure steam and drives turbines to produce electricity).
THE FARM OF THE SUN - But the new Central Priolo, "the farm of the sun", to quote the CEO Fulvio Conti of Enel, is unprecedented in the world, since it involves the use of molten salts (derived from fertilizer) as a heat transfer fluid and is also the first in the world to integrate a combined-cycle gas and solar thermal power plant for the production of electricity. Not only that. Archimedes' (whose name is also a tribute to the great physicist and mathematician who over 2,200 years ago with his "burning mirrors" the Roman ships on fire and saved from the siege enemy Syracuse) has a feature that makes it unique: it is able to collect and preserve for many hours, 5 km along its and through special tubes that run through 30 thousand square meters of parabolic trough mirrors, the heat of the sun to generate electricity at night or under overcast skies.
"The capacity of the plant, costing around 60 million, is 5 megawatts, with an operation of around 3 thousand hours per year. A level to meet the needs of 4 thousand families, "said Conti. However, acknowledges that "a higher cost per kilowatt-hour at least five or six times the energy produced by conventional fossil fuels." "In this case, however, a saving of 2,100 tonnes of oil per year and reducing carbon dioxide emissions for about 3250 tons. In short, as Conti says: "One more step to achieving a dream: to have abundant energy at low cost and above all sustainable."
Source: Corriere.it
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